
Ward was more negligent than anyone else that night in my opinion.....

A survey from Auto Trader shows that a paltry one percent of car buyers used social sites to shop for cars in June. That's overall. The numbers are a bit higher for millennials, but not staggeringly so. Just five percent of young hip folks that were car shopping in June used social media to make that decision. It also

Which was probably his point.


...and that is why Peppy will never make it as a NASCAR crew chief.

When I purchased my new Tesla Model S.

I once went to a dealership on a Sunday when they were closed and there weren't any salespeople around. That was a pretty great experience.

I once went to a dealership that provided free coffee. That's my most positive dealership experience.

He didn't kill anyone. Kevin accidentally killed himself.

The rear right is a wider tire on sprint cars and is removed prior to putting the car in the hauler due to width and also it is hard as hell to drive a car straight that has a larger tire on one axle. All the CSI creeps are coming out of the woodwork.

In a world where none of the automotive journalists knows how to work on cars.... Factory options are all they have.

Absolutely, I should lighten up. After all, no one is forcing me to read this right? It was just some friendly advice. So is this going to be a daily thing then?

or if you're Doug DeMuro, it's the same as not stopping your 360 from burning to the ground every year.

Also they are ugly, or am I the only one who has hated the looks from day 1?

But were all broke from throwing all our money into cars...

I cant figure out if I picked the Cayman or the 911.. they all look the same

My next question would be: does Carmax run more or less than 0.6% of the nation's used car dealerships? That would tell us if they were over (or under) represented in the complaints department.

The one simple hack screwdriver manufacturers don't want you to see!