
I was literally doing what you wrote right now.

I have purchased bikes for beginner rider training. I can confirm, they are not the best choice even for their intended application.

The problem with that argument is that the Japanese and Italians, (and to a lesser extent, the Europeans) all make bikes that expensive or more... And for a lot of them they can’t make enough.

Fancy Kristen would have them make the seats with the whale.

well... we dont want them DRY do we?


As a local to Charleston, I only have one request. Go home. Go home and don’t come visit. we don’t need any more people here. We’re full.

Also, batteries are incredibly expensive, and the mining and processing currently isn’t any better for the environment than burning fossil fuels.

unless they’re black.

You also have to make the assumption that every car exactly meets the rules... neither exceeding them or failing to meet them. Unlikely to not exceed them as cars are designed for multi-year production runs... and failing is always an option.. and the fact that people do not drive to the standards... most of us cant

My wife gets bitchy everytime her aunt Flo comes to visit... and why is everything white?! Its not white when Flo is here.

Make it electric....

I would be MUCH more impressed if he did it all just plugging into the ODBII CAN-bus to do the throttle, brakes and steering since they’re all electronically controlled on that car. Then you just start it, shift out of park and then its RC time!
Adding all the servos for shifting and such is too much.

While its a nice car, and I do like it, it will cost you FAR more than that if you purchased it.
You paid just north of 30k for it. In less than 4 years it will be worth less than half of that. assuming no further loss of value and a 5yr loan, just as you pay it off, you will have spent on average an additional

Agreed. They dont account for the engine combos, transmissions, etc...
My H6 outback does not get the same MPG as the H4.

Uhh... what do you mean we dont have the infrastructure? Do you not have electricity at home?
I just bought an electric car... granted its a 3rd car, but we now use it for 95% of all our driving. I just plug it in as I am walking by in my driveway. No worries.
Theres only 1 public charger that is anywhere near where I

I would actually like to thank you for sharing your perspective... as its so fucked up I would have never thought of it. I wonder how many other large city residents share that kind of fucked up logic.

Thats not broken, thats how it was intended... and a fucked up perspective.
His vote is not worth more, its that his way of life is just as valid as yours. The ENTIRE intent of the electorical college you’re alluding to is to stop big cites from being the only voice running the country.

I think you should look at my Fairlady

Fun fact. That rhymes in a british-english accent, however it does not in most american-english accents.