
I was worried when I got my GTI that the Mk. 7, which was imminent, would look better. Frankly, I'm really glad I didn't wait (and this isn't just because I love my Mk. 6).

When I first saw this picture I thought Honda was coming out with a Hi Performance Accord.

If this doesn't prove Minis are too big, I don't know what does.

Many studies, such as the Safety Study conducted in 2000 by the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), and investigation reports document the fact that in some cases, it was necessary for the cabin crew to argue with passengers because passengers attempted to carry baggage to the exits during emergencies (in

Yeah, I'd say this is better. Not only in delivery, but...

This is exactly what I thought of. Subaru did a way better job, but they also did it first. So rather than be accused of blatant copying, GM made a more negative-feeling ad.

You're missing the point of this ad. The selling point they're using for this car is that it lasts a long time - it's shown throughout the length of the ad. But that's just a subtle message as it's mostly a reflection of the more important things in life.

I'm on record for being a huge VAG fanboy....to a fault, even. But the CrossBlue is a hot mess. The hood? Pure Ford Flex (and that isn't a compliment). Wheels? I think I saw them in the window the local Rent-a-Rim shop. Jason's right...this is a terrible mistake. With the rest of VAG just killing it these

Dunno bout you guys, but I got a very strong lotus esprit vibe from this car. Probably styled by the people who graduated from the same school.

I hate to be that stick in the mud, but even my girlfriend said it looks like a copy-paste job.

Are you referring to the 2.0L cause they now have a 2.5L with something like 184 Hp that addressed a lot of the power issues. No manual yet, but it's coming. Along with the manual for the 2.5 3's.

Now playing

The same rider that posted the chase of the RR posted this one earlier:

'89 Corolla All Trac says, "Looking good..."


This is mostly what I see in that Rolls. I appreciate their other cars, but not this one. The wheels look cheesy and cheap too.