
You could never win any poker games or bets because there would be no suckers to exploit. No advertising budget, people are too smart to be fooled by that stuff. Profit margins on every product would be razor thin. The world has easy marks for a reason.

It's a noble effort, but there is a huge difference between always having that family safety net and those of us who have to do without it. I speak from personal experience. It changes people, even if those in custody have the best intentions.

Mike Farrell is available…

The Flying Nun was an alright show except for the flying nun business. If it had just been about a nun, it would have been another one of those gentle late 1960s shows like Family Affair or Courtship Of Eddie's Father. Probably better, since Sally Field was appealing.

It is best never to be born. But who is that lucky? Not one in millions!


Not to mention the minibike chase in The Thing With Two Heads.

The book had two different characters that were merged into the movie/TV Frank Burns. There was a character in the book called Dobson that was more of a wacked-out bible thumper. That's more like what Duvall did. There's a Frank Burns character in the book that is closer to what Linville did, a Midwestern hypocrite.

I would not have want to have seen a rehabbed Burns. He was supposed to be a villain. They did a little of it in Season 5 when Burns became pathetic without Hotlips. But I liked Burns and Hotlips as a couple, and preferred the show that way.

In the long run Woody was a better character than Coach, despite the writers giving similar lines to both characters. Woody was one character on the show who brought a note of optimism, who wasn't some variety of pathetic. So his presence allowed for a different tone to be set. Coach would have been more limited.

I can't completely agree. The show was writing to different purposes at different times in its run.

"If they should bar Springfields, please let this Springfield….. stay-ay!"

Only true if the rapist rapes all appealing people. If there are 100 people, and the rapist only wants to rape 10 of them, but only can complete 5 rapes in a day, then a picky rapist will rape as many as one who wants to rape 50 of the 100 but can also only complete 5 rapes.

Yes, perhaps Pagan Minn could be snapped up by some nice woman. Who would have kids with him, then leave him for a man she knew before they even met, who was single and available when they married. Of course, the old and new guy is a commitmentphobe, so she likely never would have gotten the big wedding and kids

And being "snapped up" by American women is positive?

Maybe the sex would be better because of the language barrier. Less talking, less "relationship."

As a soon to be divorced father of three, AV Club can seriously F off. How about worst Moms?

Okay, the past two COMPLETE decades. 1991-2000 and 2001-2010. This one isn't over yet, so it doesn't count.

I honestly don't understand how the ad could be a "comment on the state of the industry" if Don is no longer part of the industry. What does that possibly mean.

Better Miracle Whip than the pickled eggs jar in a bar of the human race.