
Wiig was actually consistently funnier when she played normal people than when she was doing a recurring character. So I would disagree that she never ceded the spotlight. Just because she made the normal characters she was playing entertaining isn't a strike against her.

He's thrown away too many chances for me to care anymore. The Linda Cardellini character was the last straw. Still like the show, but he doesn't really deserve redemption. There are plenty of interesting men out there who aren't sleazeballs.

Why do you want to subject Don on Rachel Mencken? She's too good for him. Same for that Bethany chick played by Anna Camp. Anyone normal and stable is too good for Don.

Why do people hate on Lou? Lou is so much better than Duck was. I want Peggy to make a pass at Lou.

You're unironically cheering "Don's back!"? The other characters on this show all have souls, mortality, limitations. Don can only ever do what he does because he has no soul. Repeating the same behavior over and over is pathetic. Don can't ascend upward, he can't become Roger or Lou or Cutler. He can't drop out

Not on SNL she didn't. She did update and about one other sketch a year. So it's actually weird when she hosts and she does all of these bits when she didn't do that as a cast member.

I thought that was familiar. Soundtrack by the rock group Spirit, who make a brief appearance as friends of the Lockwood character.

Leslie will have plenty of time to meddle in Pawnee affairs and somehow have the authority to do it. Despite the fact that most of their actual concern should be about parks that are far away from Pawnee.

Fail. Fonzie was on the show from the start. They ditched a bunch of characters from the early days, Chuck is the only one anyone remembers. Marsha the waitress? Bag?

Well, the way they have been playing it with these two is they are two different people and are reacting differently every time when they face similar situations.

Everything that's gone wrong in the marriage is not all Julia's fault. I do consider everything involving Ed 100% Julia's fault.

Hey, I have a following!

I never found her likable and wasn't attracted.

The preview was edited differently to make it worse than it showed in the episode. In the episode they touched at all when Joel was offering to get the check.

I guess Joel is just a whipped man, wherever he goes. Ostensibly he began his break from the family when Peet/Pete said she didn't care about his personal life, so he'll go back when she tells him he's a family man.

Yeah, with Joel/Julia it would be very unusual that they could be done with a decade plus marriage after discord of a few months. Julia took Joel for granted and had an itch for other men; Joel figured he could do the home stuff and the work stuff and who needs Julia? But the buried feelings were eventually going to

Camille's was a revenge affair. Revenge affairs don't really help marriages, but I can understand them more if they are in response to an affair that happened years before discovery. In that case the betrayed spouse might feel that the post-affair relationship was a lie, and maybe that's the only way to even the

I wonder when fans of this show will realize that Tom and April are basically horrible people.

Well, there's the whole thing about happy childless couples not passing on their genetics. Bob and Emily Hartley never had children, so they didn't produce another generation of Hartleys who didn't want to reproduce.

Remember the episode before this one? Julia is pissed because she thinks Joel went out on a date. Spies on him, goes and confronts him on it. By the end of the episode Julia is the one who is dating, not Joel.