“I’m really not sure which will die first: my interest for Overwatch, or the game itself.” (or you if you sit that much daily)
“I’m really not sure which will die first: my interest for Overwatch, or the game itself.” (or you if you sit that much daily)
I don’t see a link to a teaser trailer released today? Just the trailer put out beginning of the year.
They oversexualize men too. Deal with it.
They’re amazing games. They deserve to continue being made.
Pretty amazing. Other than making the CHILD from Jurassic Park have huge tits.... sicko.
cry more
Hey guess what Luke. Last Jedi was a monumental piece of trash that literally ruined every moment it attempted to build. It was an insult to the first three movies in every way possible.
Hey guess what Luke. Last Jedi was a monumental piece of trash that literally ruined every moment it attempted to build. It was an insult to the first three movies in every way possible.
Kotaku. Shut the fuck up. Your virtue signaling is off the hook annoying. Just talk about games for the love of fuck or I’m done with you for good. You've been on this slippery identity politics double black diamond slope for too long. Get off. Avoid the lift. And move back to a resort not controlled by race…
Maybe you’re just playing too much in general. Take a step back and focus on some other stuff for awhile. Treat gaming more like a treat.
More bullshit from a terrible writer. Well done! I look forward to seeing your hatred of Whites every day. I drink your tears. MMMMMMMM
It’s called exercise!
Which is a real shame. They think that this is their “identity”. But what they are really doing is just lumping themselves into categories. Playing the identity politics game when what they should be focusing on is how unique they are without labels.
Gender is Biology. Period. You’re wasting your time trying to make an argument otherwise.
You’re either a boy or a girl. Your sexual preference is none of my business and mine is none of yours. You can do whatever the hell you want with whoever the hell you want and I don’t have to approve or disapprove. Game Over. Stop trying to act like this shit is important.
Hey guess what author. You’re a racist.
Racist Title. well done. If someone wrote “any other race” are cowards for their article title they’d be banned.
I see this... and as a man.. I think to myself... damn I should work out.
I sure as shit don’t whine about how I don’t look like that.
Amazingly professional article titles as usual. That’s how you make it in journalism!