
He seems hilarious


I like the girl in a bikini

Sounds like he just hates Dragon ball Z?
And Android 16 is a top tier.

Kotaku broke.. this was posted on the black panther article.... well done kotaku... well done.

““This is what white people get to feel like ALL THE TIME?!!!!” #AllTheTime
That tweet is racist and ignorant as fuck.
I have never ONCE gone into a movie and been more or less excited that I shared or didn’t share my race with a character.
That is an EXTREMELY dangerous and unhealthy mindset for anyone.
Please cut this

You cannot JUST look at the money. There are many many aspects to this argument such as interest and drive. The pay gap is made up bullshit. It’s just more of this forced equal outcome garbage that will destroy societies.

It’s completely false bullshit that people are spreading without doing any research because they think everything is just soooo unfair.

Gender pay gap has been 100% debunked. People just need to read a little to understand it.

The people that are posting about being worried they might ruin everyone’s night if they are the only white person in the theater are complete moron’s. Their views should be idiotic from everyone.
That being said I’m very annoyed by people who are claiming this to be some great achievement for the black community. It’s

I saw an article the other day about how the Switch now has more games than the Wii U had in it’s lifetime. My reaction is... big fucking deal.
There are so many shovel-ware and old school pass-over games that nobody will ever play being put on the Switch right now.

Nvidia is putting this into most games now. The dev’s just have to agree with them.

“Brace for harassment”. What a weak world we live in.

Olympic sports promote physical health and fitness. Exports do not. While both are impressive... they do NOT belong together.

He asked if people would prefer to play as a woman or to improve core gameplay.... and people are mad?

The gym

If you heard racism in that SOTU then you’re hysterical. It was a wonderful speech and everyone on the left looked like hate filled little babies who are against good things.
You don’t have to like Trump to recognize when he does good.

Well these character designs look like garbage