Are they rope-like? In a pantry with shelves a single fixture on the ceiling doesn't do much good since it would only light up the top shelf. A nice rope light-like system would be nice in order to light up the entire space like these do.
Are they rope-like? In a pantry with shelves a single fixture on the ceiling doesn't do much good since it would only light up the top shelf. A nice rope light-like system would be nice in order to light up the entire space like these do.
In addition to the above many wiles use a naturally occurring chemical for clarification (to make it transparent as opposed to cloudy) that's found in shellfish. The name escapes me at the moment. So, if you're allergic to shellfish you might want to think twice about drinking too much wine. this is used in both…
I can fully appreciate both of your comments, you're not alone.
VW specifically states in their owners manual that your first oil change is at 10,000 miles and then every 10,000 miles after that. That being said, because I get a new lease every year from VW (long story) I haven't had to change the oil in either my wife's or my cars in over 6 years, we don't keep them past 10,000…
This isn't really "friction welding" per-se. This is more like gluing with liquid plastic.
HAHAHA! You win.
I assume you're kidding right? It's "Betty" not Belly.
Self fulfilling prophecy maybe? Good one!
Come on people, we all know that if someone wants to get their hands on a gun they will find a way no matter their motive. Plain and simple.
This is an awesome app. 5 minutes with it and already I'm impressed. It even has a reminder automatically set by default that reminds you: "Once a month, remind me to check what apps are accessing my personal info." I did have one issue where the app crashed when trying to sign in via Facebook but the second time it…
The header image actually is a time lapse of the stars, not meteors. Which is cool in it's own right.
Totally agree. I live in a metro area and Apple maps has been just fine, plus the turn-by-turn works wonderfully.
Yes yes, a troll but read the article again. It wasn't the USA that said the launch was not allowed, it was the UN.
What he ^^ said! I've never (knock-on-wood) broken any of the iPhones I've owned and I've been through the Original, 3G, 4 and now my 5 (I skip the S's).
Also, I'm not blaming Jesus Diaz for this. It was just a blanket comment and MAYBE someone from Visionary Effects may read this.
Come on people, vertical filming with a smartphone still? Do we really need to have the filming 101 discussion or the show the PSA again?
Actually geolemon001 makes a good point. While yes, hybrid cars have their own form of power regeneration I can't imagine there's much argument against having more is there?
Hu? Rolling resistance, meaning higher fuel costs? What are you talking about? These generators would have absolutely ZERO affect on the train itself.
My Mac at home found the update in "Software Update" no problem but my PC at work can't find it through iTunes or Apple Software Updater. :(
Um, I assume you're referring to the horrible shooting in Aurora, Colorado? I live in Aurora (a nicer part of Aurora, but still Aurora) and I can tell you metal detectors would have been useless since this person gained access through the emergency evacuation exit doors to the theater itself, he didn't come through…