D.R. Darke

Peggy Carter - I mean, "Hayes Morrison" does, @mehdiakbar:disqus . And she makes it look good, too! Too bad she can't perform that form of alchemy on the writing….

It reeks of "Shondaland, Only Cheaper - For When ABC Pisses Off Ms.Rimes Enough That She Stalks Off for Cable".

@jrobie:disqus - because if you don't vote, the major parties don't say, "Oh, we must have run bad candidates! We must endeavor to do better in the future!". Instead they say, "Ho-ho, Apathy is our best friend, because then we can choose whoever we please - and the party faithful will swallow it just like the lemmings

I do, in fact, @joebags:disqus - but since you're being condescending, I'll let you find them for yourself.

Comey is in the tank for Clinton, @stepped_pyramids:disqus - clearly you believe the MSM if you believe what you just said. He's tied into The Clinton Foundation so tightly his head is up their ass.

I'm one of them, @jwaldman11:disqus - and no, waving your Trump doll at me and going "Booga! Booga!" won't convince me to vote for a person I consider corrupt, untrustworthy, hypocritical, perfectly willing to put National Security at risk for her own profit (while having the gall to brand whistleblowers "traitors"!),

The Myth of American Exceptionalism?

No, @stepped_pyramids:disqus , because Trump would consider those being rules - and he's a rulebreaker, man! He's a rebel - he speaks his mind!

Clinton's a Romulan - somebody who thinks violence and domination is perfectly logical, and wants to beat those Vulcans and their hippie pacifist ways into sand.

Basement Dwellers might be better and crueller.

Should Luke Cage be the next Mr. Clean?

A movie my wife and I liked a lot more in 1988 when James Spader as a Sexual Beautiful Boy Who Could Actually Act was still kind of a shocker. @gorplee:disqus .

When one of the characters said, "He's a good man, he just made a bad call", I laughed so hard I startled at least three of our cats! I'm like, "He's - That Guy! He's never a good person! He's the kind of weaseldick bureaucratic sleazebag Shaw and Root would kneecap on sight!"

Sexy sexy black cape, @disqus_xtmm4aa1wX:disqus ?

Did you see the insane spectacle of us in NYC cleaving to Rudolph Giuliani(!) like he was The Second Coming, @anonresearcher:disqus ? Even I had his back during that time, and I hated the guy for what his "Broken Windows" policies did to New York City!

I can get behind that, @avclub-705562aaa4a5b85bfa44373d8e6bf234:disqus .

And yet, Richard Castle's "World's Coolest Dad" relationship with his daughter Alexis gets nary a mention…. ::sigh::

I like it, @clain4671:disqus - except you'd think Gen. KillCrazy would suck up to Kirkman a bit more, at least at first, if that were the case?

Like where you're going with that, @jerryglonek:disqus - but that only works if Kirkman suddenly goes all Jack Bauer on somebody's ass!

And…. The Trump Party weighs in with yet another incisive, well-thought-out analysis!