
Funny that you compare him to Picasso; the only rival for worst take is a bartender I know who was raised in a working class suburb of London. While it does possess its share of rough neighborhoods, he allows the fact to give him license to all conceivable manner of shit-talking, and one of his favorites when I stop

He’s especially popular because unlike most guys who visit strip clubs, he doesn’t expect to give the D. In fact, he insists on never giving the D.

Nothing the Doctors said would consitute “slamming.” Not everything has to be so extreme, polarizing. There is nothing wrong with saying “Doctors have concern about the new recommendation” or something similar. All of the Doctors quoted in the article seemed to say “this is interesting, but perhaps pre-mature.”

And in doing so you managed to chase your own tail and look silly.

I understand the problems in some, maybe most, of the countries with starving populations are more complex than just throwing money at them. My point is, does anyone really care? How many people give a thought to it other than when they see a commercial? How many people could easily commit to one (or two or ten or

The adults don’t actually grow out of it! How many thousands of people do American adults tacitly consent to the slaughter of? You sit by and let MILLIONS of children around the world STARVE TO DEATH and think it’s okay to eat like hogs and allow your citizens to accumulate massive amounts of wealth and live decadent

Innocent? Nope. By-products? I’m also not seeing it in any of the “causes” you give. Youthful sociopaths have existed across eras and cultures and are quite the minority, despite peers steeped in the same cultural problems cited.

These CHILDREN are innocent by-products of an ADULT culture that TIME AND TIME AGAIN through wars and all of their “collateral damage” and the state-sanctioned execution of criminals and the lack of justice for victims of police violence and the baffling lack of restriction on firearms, has reduced the abstract (i.e.

Hmmm. True. So maybe limiting certain types of foods really is the answer as silly as it sounds? Or ample garbage cans and higher enforcement on littering? (I mean I sat next to a man eating a fish salad the other day it was pretty bad, but I don’t think anyone minds the person eating a breakfast bar or packaged snack

I don’t know. I’m on the train/in the system an hour and a halfish each day and never find the need to eat that bad. Of course I’m more of an eat at work person.

Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.

Being blotto is no excuse for butchering the English language, old chap.

And lesson learned....

There’s always one in every thread. He’s getting it handed to him though. That’s fun to watch.

Hey man, agree to disagree.

Get over yourself. The joke was funny.

As a recovered pill addict: LOL this was funny. There, on behalf of the people everyone is proxy triggered for... I’m fine, I’m sure others are.

If we can’t joke about this, please provide a list of things we can have a good laugh about.