
Going to UA website is jarring. Its like they are peddling the shittiest product you can come up with. Their clothing looks like its straight out of Walmart (no judgments here just not gonna catch Nike that way), the shoes look like they are from the 90's (except worse), and they slap that fucking logo all over

One of my friends got hit in the face with a golf club during college, broke his jaw, knocked out a bunch of teeth, wired shut for an age.

Very true. TV and movies have conditioned us to think that getting punched in the face is no big deal. How many times have you seen people just trading shots to the face. Well the reality is a whole lot different. Getting punched in the face will fuck you up, and maybe kill you, like you said. Its crazy how much

White women abdicated. WHITE WOMEN ABDICATED.

You really dont need to be sorry about anything, and Im not sure why you think Im angry or need taking care of. I think Ive presented a very reasonable and articulate criticism to what was I think was a very insensitive comment. I concede that you may not be as bad as Trump.

How do you not know. Of course there should be. I feel like Im taking cray pills even writing this. Do you know how this USUALLY goes? Something like this, they find some blacks and send them to jail. So yeah Im pretty fucking sure there should be legal consequences. What is wring with you that you think there is a

This girl is a piece of work. Yeah, this sucks for black folks, and I don’t want to diminish that fact at all. What a shitty thing to do to that community.

I love this reply. These guys really thing that if they don’t click on this website that it’ll magically crash. GTFOOH

You do realize that you are a cliche, and this trope has been littering these comment sections for years. And yeah, see you tomorrow. Your tears taste delicious :)

ha... you’re wrong.. they use people who own cars

Yeah so basically you avoid major vessels in OR and then it’s just oozing mostly controlled with cautery. The surgical sites are packed with gauze and the bleeding basically stops with time. Also, that’s not a degloving injury. If you can believe it those are much nastier. What your seeing in these photos is probably

I don’t understand how an arm can be degloved like that and not bleed. How does blood reach the muscle? I’m simultaneously cringing and fascinated.

When asked a few months ago....

Fuck this guy. I’ve been having patients ask me what my nationality is for the past few weeks, cop saying I’ve got an “interesting skin color”, and all kinds of other bullshit. No chance this shit bag didn’t make this up. He’s making us all look like liars. If he was screaming about Jihad or something then I say throw

I smell a Chevy plant here. “The feels”, “take my money now” , “sheeple”, “millennial"? This is either some lame company hack trying to work the message boards or a walking charachature. Memes on memes on memes