Definitely interested in some things she may be able to do, but dunking a basketball is not on the list.
Iit’s Tom Brady’s world Drew. You should just pray that reincarnation is a real thing - you might have a shot at a better life for yourself next time around.
50 years??? Too much money still to be made. 100 years??? Possibly.
Nothing to see here. Move along. We all saw the movie when it was released so THIS = wayyyyyy behind the curve.
When did Kanye West say anything of substance that wasn’t accompanied by music? And please don’t reference his George W. Bush “don’t care...” remark. He wasn’t telling Americans anything that those with more than three functioning neurons couldn't figure out for themselves.
Had to star that one just for the level of cruel spitefullness and “I see thru you” insight evidenced.
Oops!! Star count surges up in response to injection of faux religiosity into the mix. A number of dope heads respond in starry eyed support, confirming that religion is indeed the opiate of...
Still falling...
The theory about stupidity having a viral origin seems like it might have some substance to it based on a reading of some of the commentary herein.
He’s going down for the count...
I see a pattern developing. Star count dropping precipitously...
Definite Comic Relief.
For some strange reason I just did something I never do - I read this article on wrestling. My first thought was that - “This can’t be real, it has to be a joke”. My second thought was that - “Yes, it’s a joke because, of course, wrestling is a joke".
Now you’ve really fornicated up. “Befuddlement”?!?!? What must he think of you, using such a word??
Your grandmother could have beaten Joe Louis that night. Fuck Rocky Marciano.
The best revenge is...
“Progressive AfAm..." = highly suspect poseur.
You should be assured that he’s a semi-literate dunce by now.
Notes like that don’t usually mean what you said - Trump is an idiot, plain and simple. He’s an intellectually stunted douchbag who never had to perform academically, because his old man was able to buy his way in and out of every social and economic rite of passage challenge regular folks have to submit to in life.