Yeah I couldn't believe reading this one. Shouldn't we call EA a patent troll on this one since they've never released a gaming console with a wireless controller?
Yeah I couldn't believe reading this one. Shouldn't we call EA a patent troll on this one since they've never released a gaming console with a wireless controller?
And Steam also lets you play your single-player games without an internet connection.
In all honesty, people take the race thing too seriously. If you learn to laugh at yourself and the race issue a little bit, everything would be just fine.
lol. You're such a moron.
Oils are also magnified if you are switching from touching yourself to playing a touch screen game as well.
You could take this difficult road to unlocking achievements, or you could move your profile from your 360 hard drive onto a USB stick and plug it into your computer.
Does this also mean they're not going to offer any xbox or xbox 360 games as digital downloads through the xbox live marketplace? So if that's the case you just can't play any games of yester-year unless you have 2 consoles hooked up.
The player really loves to fly in circles and into buildings.
One of the things that makes me weary about the console is that every game you play has to be installed. You have a 500 gb hard drive, which Microsoft admitted would be filled with a ton of system software, thus limiting user content space to begin with. And then they say the games have to be installed. If the…
Nope. Scarcity doesn't define the price.
I'm a little confused by this post because it links a page from 04/05/2012, well over a year ago. Has this game been released yet?
This sounds like a terrible idea. I really hope they don't get rid of achievements.
I also love the half-assed attempt to white out the name of the user that withdrew his bid. There's no way anyone could decipher the name "webuyanygames"...whoops.
But, you're mistaken. It's not based on scarcity, it's based on the arbitrary value a person gives an object.
It's a piece of cheaply molded plastic. The drive door doesn't work. Just because there are very few of something doesn't make it valuable. And this piece of junk isn't worth it. It belongs in a museum, not in the hands of some greedy poser.
Greed has taken over his logic at this point. He didn't accept $15k, so I wonder what his reserved price was? $20k? What a joke.
Why is it that in the sequel to "The Wizard of Oz", which is called "Return to Oz", Dorothy is actually younger than she was in the first film?
Thanks broski with the mosti. Just pretend it rhymes.
I'll be honest here. I actually read the first few paragraphs but skimmed the rest. There was a lot to read. I think it's up to your interpretation of this particular scene, however, it's very doubtful anyone set out to offend or be intentionally homophobic. Guys who are friends say stuff like that to each other…