
Those that are claiming that are such a small minority though. Don’t think The Right Stuff speaks for all Trump supporters. Anti-Trump groups like Antifa have openly assaulted innocent Trump supporters, most notably yesterday

I think you all need to give Trump more time. He’s standing up for the USA, unlike Obama who apologized for us any chance he got.

Jason my only problem is that you promoted a Trump supporter getting punched in the face. That doesn’t bode well. Not to mention you said we will all be dead by the time Trump’s four years are up.


A lot of the Melty Blood games are on the steam Store.


How come you really don’t promote more niche Japanese games coming over to the west, like Fate/extella?

Maybe some people want to just talk about video games and not have some liberal shove their beliefs down our throat?

Why do you allow Ethan Gach to write for you when he has openly expressed assaulting anybody he doesn’t like?

Why are you shaming developers who are not anti-Trump?