She once said something along the lines of, “Well, if changing my gender had been an option when I was young, I might have done it and that’s why it’s bad.” And I thought, That seems like a more revealing statement than I think you mean it to be.
She once said something along the lines of, “Well, if changing my gender had been an option when I was young, I might have done it and that’s why it’s bad.” And I thought, That seems like a more revealing statement than I think you mean it to be.
Ah, New Hampshire. Really living up to that whole “the Alabama of New England.”
It’s so shocking to meet people who think this is normal, and those people are LEGION. Their partner cheats on them and they just cry for a bit and then are like, “Well, this is what men are like.” Or their partner is isolating them, requiring them to block every woman they know on social media, and they’re just like,…
There’s no shortage of adoptable children. But, yeah, healthy infants, particularly healthy white infants? Not nearly as many as people who want to adopt them.
Is this really it, though? Because from the social media posts of my more conservative/religious relatives and (largely former) friends, it seems like one thing that they’re really excited about with the end of Roe v. Wade is the idea that there will suddenly be lots and lots of adoptable, healthy infants. So even…
Re: Justice Barret’s suggestion that women can just carry a pregnancy to term and then, like, drop the baby off at the fire department and skip merrily away: In that situation, what rights does the other parent have and doesn’t that kind of complicate this whole thing?
I have a brother who has many lovely qualities but never seems to have many strongly held beliefs of his own and so has always just kind of adopted the beliefs of whoever he was dating at the time. So, when he was dating a girl who was a vegan, he was SO into being vegan. It’s so important for the planet! Animals have…
You know what’s weird about this? Conservatives are the ones who are always like, “Fathers are essential! How dare you say that children can thrive without a father! Every child deserves a father!” But then they’re like, “LOL, what good is a father to a baby?”
My husband took two weeks off after both our kids were born, and he has been an awesome co-parent. Sometimes, when I hear other women talking about how their partners are kind of duds in the “help me raise the child we agreed to raise together” department, I feel so incredibly grateful to my husband for everything he…
I saw a tweet responding to some chode who was all “herp derp real men don’t take paternity leave” that said, “Tell me you’re a shitty coparent without telling me you’re a shitty coparent.”
When my grandmother was about that age, her doctors recommended that she eat fewer processed foods and I remember feeling like, “What the fuck is the point of living into your nineties if you have to give up all the things that make life worth living.” If the woman wants to have a martini, let her have a martini.
Which is kind of why all the deaths wind up hitting you like a freight train. (Not that I don’t love the series. I adore it. But, oh man.)
Yeah, they’re not really “incompatible” so much as “slightly different.” They’re both humanoid but he and his people have horns and she and her people have wings. Other than that, they’re pretty similar. Don’t let this not great article put you off the series, though. It’s fantastic.
Yeah, pretty much. None of it is beautiful or interesting or weird. It’s just like, “Yup, that’s what a tattoo looks like, I guess.” I mean, if you’ve got all that money, at least get visually interesting ink, would you?
Honestly would have been surprised if everyone was like, “Oh, no, he was an absolute gentleman.”
Holy shit, I cannot believe she’s thirty-three. I assumed that was a typo and that she was actually twenty-three because her behavior would seem reasonable for a twenty-three year old. Looked it up and, yup, you are correct. She was born in 1988. Yikes.
At this point, it’s either that or he’s got a fertility fetish. Bro, condoms are cheap and widely available. Vasectomies are quick and relatively painless. If, after all these kids, he’s still not taking advantage of one of those options, I gotta think this is in some way a choice.
Not to mention regular-degular people cheat on their partners all the time. We all know at least one couple whose origin story is a little sketchy, right? We all know somebody whose spouse left them in dramatic, messy fashion, correct? Why would celebrities be any different?
That’s what I kept thinking. There’s no way his dog doesn’t have a regular vet, right? Any halfway decent vet can recommend a bunch of good boarding facilities.
A close family member of mine works for the DoD with a pretty high up job and security clearance and hearing about the nutbars this person works with and all the insane things those people believe despite literally working for the government they think is lying to everyone is disheartening.