
Again, I wasn't commenting on the efficacy or necessity of anti-bacterial agents in soap, merely pointing out that there are other substances that achieve the same goal as Triclosan, and that can be and are used in other soaps.

Efficacy of anti-bacterial soaps aside, Triclosan isn't your only option for an anti-bacterial agent in soap.

FYI you can buy anti-bacterial soap without Triclosan.

Bad logic is bad. 0/10 trolling.

You can't even spell "peer-reviewed" properly. This is the second post on this thread in which you failed to spell that simple word properly. The study hasn't even been released yet, so it would be prudent to wait until it's actually available to draw conclusions.

The study isn't even out yet, shitheel. Simmer down and wait until the study is actually released.

Again, buy the refillable cup and use the same crappy 6 bucks a pound coffee. You still fail. Thanks for playing.

Sprint is CDMA, like Verizon, but a different part of the spectrum. AT&T is GSM.

You really don't have a clue what you are talking about. Even if you buy actual K-Cup coffee, you can easily find varieties for under 50 cents a cup, which is hardly a "ridiculous" cost per cup. Hell you can even buy Über shitty and cheap Folgers and throw in the refillable K-Cup and use that if you want.

Going Rouge is dangerous.

Amperage is irrelevant. Devices only draw what they need. It's overvoltage that's a worry, but it's 5V on ALL USB devices. It probably blew up because it was a poorly QC'd piece of shit.

Yep. If you're storing copyrighted content, that's a very easy way to defeat hash checks, and it's one of the simplest ways to encrypt files as well. Throw a password on it and boom, AES-256 encrypted zip file.

How do you figure? The match vastly exceeds any profit you will typically make from only your own 3%. That's before you even factor in any gains made on the 401K investments, as well.

Thank you. As soon as the guy above you posted the image above, I began humming this in my head. lol.

Age of Conan. Soooo terrible.

My friend and I ran into a really hilarious bug in Thief: Deadly Shadows back in the day. He was sneaking into a room where a civilian was sleeping in a chair, and somehow he was startled, and proceeded to have what sounded and looked like a seizure in the chair. He then suddenly died in the chair. The guards were

Can't be legally downloaded, but can still be downloaded. If you already had it, you can still play it. They didnt forcibly delete it from existing users' devices, they just removed it from Google Play and the App Store.

I haven't really seen any test data that shows normal laptop drives pull ahead. SSD's power consumption has continued to go down as the controllers advance more and more as well. There's a lot more variance between SSD's than many people realize as well, both across generations and with different controller/NAND

That's true but typically SSD's do draw less power than normal laptop drives if you look at the specs. It's not a massive difference, but I have noticed battery life improvements especially when replacing older laptop drives.

To be fair Lenovo was OEMing the laptops for IBM for several years prior to them selling the business to Lenovo, so it's not quite the same scenario.