

+1. Totally agree. The IT department tried to make him out as a hacker to save face for their recklessly exposing PII due to their own negligence and stupidity.

Apparently you slept through all the ISP's trying to de-prioritize Netflix traffic so they could sell their own absurdly overpriced content delivery services. You've got it backwards.

Way to blame your ISP's problem on Netflix.


No no no, all 6,000,000 would have survived. It would just be Rambo x 6,000,000. Duh.

Actually WE supplied a lot of military hardware to Afghanistan, although it was mostly financed Russian hardware because we couldn't be seen to be directly supporting Afghanistan. Vietman was supplied with lots of arms by Russia and to a lesser extent China. Learn to history. Another ignorant gun-nut with no

The article you reference appears to be from a contributor (former since they have no profile I am guessing), and other section apparently belongs to Tracie Egan Morrissey, so perhaps inquire with her about that.

You are not very bright.

Dell gets a bit of a bad rap. They aren't the best reliability-wise, but not as bad as some people make them out to be. I'd never buy any of their consumer machines, but the business machines are quite good.

People want fewer devices, and most phones can already handle the same requirements. Why carry a phone AND an mp3 player, when the mp3 player offers no added benefits over the phone?

They make the best cable modems in the business. Why pay $6/mo for a shitty RCA modem when you can pay $50 once and get an excellent one that's quite future-proofed already?

Actually weakness is pretending it's good when it's obviously bad. What's more, is it also suggests you are not only weak, but incompetent as well.

Yes, indeed this is the usual cause!

Not really something that can be judged based upon personal experience. Reliability should only be judged by aggregated data. Personal experience varies wildly.

Haha best sad robot ever!

Because the problem obviously has nothing to do with Google Maps. The whole point there are a TON of bugs with Apple's in-house app. They have no data components in common, we KNOW the problem is just with Apple.


They can't accept it as is, it could easily be altered/counterfeit currency. I think you overestimate the success rate of your strategy, just as you underestimate the absurdity of your request.

Good luck with that strategy. I doubt it works out for you.