
Could he have merely reported it? Yes. He published the app to prove the vulnerability instead, which shows Apple just how serious and pervasive this problem could be for them. There is no indication whatsoever that he intended nor used his app in malicious way, it was merely proof of concept for the vulnerability.

Basically you're comparing a sealed enclosure to an Infinite Baffle enclosure, when talking open-air vs closed, over-ear headphones. Generally you can get better low frequency extension from an open-air configuration, although it isn't guaranteed.

There was nothing negligent about it. It was an aimed, deliberate shot.

All of the cover-ups, failures, and ludicrous expense of the F-22 remind me of the M-2 Bradley project. I see the Pentagon learned a lot from that debacle. /facepalm

"Most" eh? Where's your evidence of that? Sounds like pure assumption with zero evidence to me. Your claim implies that a majority of the videos are BS, despite no evidence whatsoever to back it up. Why should we take your dubious claim as fact?

They just can't seem to make good decisions to save their own asses.

But but private industry regulates itself! lolol. The old "fox watching the hen house" cliche comes to mind.

Looks to me like it got damaged from about any angle, and also when dropped from waist-height. Conversely, the Galaxy S II, barely got any damage at all with the same "unobjective" testing. Also, it's not like it's a sole account of iPhones being extremely fragile. They always have been, I think some people were just

A hilariously overpriced Apple product?! The hell you say!

I don't think The Onion did anything wrong. Blame it on people's tendencies to only pass on bits of information, often without ever reading the source or evaluating any information they bother to regurgitate.

Windows 7 is the best OS that MS has produced in quite some time. It runs great. We have it installed across our entire enterprise with far fewer issues than XP or Vista. Overall we have very few issues I would attribute directly to Windows 7. Exactly what about it is so terrible?

It's quite indefensible. It's about as justifiable as the slaughter of elephants and rhinos for ivory. It should be condemned just as strongly.


You know there'd be witless Mac fanboy comments in any thread about Malware. Also, OS X has about 5% of the world's install base, vs 86% for Windows. If you are writing malicious code with the intent of hitting as many targets as possible, are you going to go after the 5%, or the 86%? Some of you aren't too good at

@Magnetism & FuzzyMeepTWO: You complain about liberals not providing any evidence for their arguments, yet both of you have provided ZERO in this entire thread. Perhaps you should practice what you preach. You will just come off as laughable, dogmatic fools until you do.

The inevitable old woman buying 50 lottery tickets and wanting to scratch them all off there to see if she won is the most frustrating.

Who'd have thought the cure to AIDS would be glowing kittens? Awesome.

You are blind if you think Gizmodo hates Apple. It's amusing that their blatant fanboi treatment of Apple is insufficient for you, and so you accuse them of "Apple hating." You sir are a tool.

I am not surprised. Monsanto is quite possibly the most evil corporation on the face of the earth. The damage Agent Orange did, as horrible as it was, likely pales in comparison to the damage that RoundUp has done, and continues to do all across the world.

Uh...really? What happens when you are pulling something that weighs 200 pounds and then suddenly it weighs 20 pounds, with the same pulling force being applied?