Drake Way

Well, except for that not being slavers thing. So… not at all like the South?

I Didn't Kill My Wife, Charlie Brown!

They are called YARA inspectors in the show

What chu talkin about Willis the whole point of the watch is to deal wif people coming back… that's what white walkers do…

Researchers found that people who are better at navigation based games are better at navigation base games.

If you didn't see this coming from the moment Melisandre said to bring the girl North, then you really didn't pay attention.

Probably won't be as enjoyable as Tank Girl

Mel Gibson is filming a World War II movie?!

They've been forshadowing this since Season 1. Sansa's whole thing was 'I want to get married to a lord and have all the babies' and at every turn it's been subverted to be some form of cruelty.

Clancy Brown has this habit of making things better just by Clancying about in them.

I got a very 'Just as planned' vibe from him when he complimented Bolin for doing the thing.

Unlikely. Those metal bits on her uniform are the bands she uses in her metalbending.

If Kuvira loses to the Avatar, then she releases Su and family. She never promised to leave the Metal City alone, iirc, so she can still invade it with her army. She looks good because she was willing to fight to preserve her men from having to fight.

Maybe she's just motivated by her need to do the things.

You know what drives kids to the theaters in droves?

….isn't… it… a… kid's… action…. movie?

AV Club

She can bend metal because of trace bits of earth—it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she learned how to do that with roots down the road.

People with OCD are waiting for that fourth one. You've gone and destroyed all the braintelligences.

People considering 8/10 as 'meh' are the real problem in gaming journaiism.