Jesus Villalobos

Counterpoint: one gave us Ahsoka, the other one is RotS

Well-written Star Wars is awesome.

Every time Gravedigger has been on screen I am just waiting for him to start improving a song.

You know, my dislike for the current Young Justice roster is mostly that I feel Bendis is trying to shoehorn his “amazing creations” into it, and I’m just... not feeling it?

They were fools for giving him that money in the first place! He was fine in Marvel writing characters I really didn’t care about! I was willing to ignore Miles Morales, who I like, for as long as he was writing and I was fine with it! But now? In Superman? And getting his grubby hands all over the DCverse? Truly

Bendis can’t really write a conversation, AND he basically destroyed Jon Kent.

Young Justice is one of the things I dislike more from him, so no, just out, thanks. Get Peter David for Young Justice.

One gone, now just to get rid of Lee and Bendis, not necessarily in that order!

We will have to agree to disagree.

Is he? Like... which one? I have not liked basically anything he has written on Superman so far, and with his hand all over DC now, this is clearly the darkest timeline

Changing the timeline frame seems to me to be the most... hubristic thing possible.

Mostly boring bad. A lot of rethreads from his SW trilogy, now that I think about it.

Finn became a crackshot the second he stopped using his helmet, so I fully stand behind this.

Writing Spider-man badly, in case you haven’t read it, in which case... save yourself.

Superman: The Animated Series and Carnivale would also like a word with him, but... it’s Germain...

Aries lives! Yes!

Bring back the StarTac!!!

I haven’t read this yet so may opinion may change later (doubt it), but calling Dan DiDio a writer is a far reach. Even “bad writer” is too much of a compromise.

Despite loathing Hal Jordan, and generally liking Karl Urban, I am OK with this!

But then it wouldn’t be Manos, would it?