If by rushed you mean “had to wait over 10 years for it”, then, yes...
If by rushed you mean “had to wait over 10 years for it”, then, yes...
I have high hopes we’ll be seeing him in the Tanooki Suit soon.
You are a better man than I am.
If I remember correctly there is some peach-fucking in the Iluminatus! trilogy, that predates both Drew’s book and 1996...
Dude, I know that hate, I once mentioned that I don’t like Star Trek because I find it boring, so I know what it is to be “on the outside”.
First Bendis and now Miller?
“Oh let’s make mechs that have serious lag to fistfight Godzilla”
Didn’t catch that.
Impulse, of course!
That’s easy, because the first is plain greatness. Almost anything short of perfection will suck compared to the first, even if it had Hunnam.
If Rick died I may start watching again. He’s my go-to example of terrible leader that any sane person would kick out.
Starlord was a capable leader and suddenly became a stupid manchild.
Despite my love for the first GotG and tolerance for the second, we can say that nothing in the movies match the comics.
As an unabashed lover of the GotG franchise, I agree with you 1000%.
That’s what we are trying to do at the movies!
creature resembling a hairy Neanderthal
Wait, are you saying that Bat-Boy didn’t have significant impact?
Well, Ravi looks like his old self, so we can assume that the cure worked?
Continuity is rather fluid nowadays, but this is supposed to be in full continuity with the rest of the DC comic universe.