Jesus Villalobos

Please, tell us more!

The A-Team did it! With a tank!

Of the 13th month of the year?

Sounds familiar.

Sandwich and leftovers are PERFECTLY FINE breakfast food!

Didn't you see Predators? Brody really bulked up there.

Just more clutter. Throw them away too!


Are you spying on me?

Good advice!

I think that using those Lego Star Wars images was a truly inspired touch.

I don't think is the "two party system" or the "multi-party system" that fails, it's the people we, as citizens, keep putting in or letting stay in power.

Same as the Galaxy Nexus

None of them are

Warren Ellis' Century Children (Jenny Sparks, Elijah Snow, Doc Brass, among others) come to mind...

That would get them accused of animal cruelty...

I would normally not take a YouTuber as an "alleged expert", no matter what, though I admit I know nothing about Cyatek

I do have to say I find this utterly disappointing...

"Sure the Internet is mostly wasted on cat videos"

I'm pretty sure that is an SCP...