
@idofriar1313: Kill you? I'd high five you. Unfortunately.

Wow, I thought Atari were back on the up. I suppose this makes sense, since the brand is nowhere near as strong here but still....Explains the whole Ghostbusters thing though.

This is amazing and awesome.

Oh benevolent Capcom overlords, we thank you for hearing our prayers...

Getting started on Persona 4 and Boom Blox, plus more Street Fighter IV and Mercenaries 2.

A great trailer, and this looks a lot more substantial than the party pack, so I'll be grabbing it.

OK there's no way Blizzard can deny being a pusher now O_o

Very much hoping this happens. A HD Remix would be nice but would probably take until the end of time.

I've never wanted a piece of clothing so much in my life. Mass produce them and you'd make a fortune.

There's no excuse for this from GameStop. Good to see the StarDock guys man up and do the extra work, shame GameStop will tell them to get stuffed when they complain.

Hofner bass controller just sold me.

Mine had an E74 a few weeks ago. I sent it off and bought a Jasper to replace it. This is good to hear though since apparently this error is on the rise.

First XBLA game I've been excited about in ages. Definitely snapping this one up.

That story about Jim Shooter is fantastic! Kudos to the guy.

Just for today, IGN gets to win :-)

Something else that needs to be made real :-)

8. Obvious but classic.

Keeping it old school with a Kingdom Hearts II marathon, plus Burnout Paradise and GTA Chinatown Wars.
