
Huh, i am not an egg person, so i did not know that
Thanks for the insight good sir :D

I thought only raw eggs stunk that horribly that fast.
Isnt that like the point of hardboiling them, to avoid that issue?

The best part for me is that if he HAD killed C-137 Rick, Councilman Rick would've murdered both him and Summer.
So i guess it is YOU who is the stupid bitch, Morty

*shrugs* Who cares if Jerry was right
Rick is back, baby :D

Lots of people like it and i respect that, i just personally don't consider it in my immediate list of episodes to recommend.

I didnt hate it, but i honestly just found the hot tub one weird and Blood didnt strike me more then some other episodes. Lots of people like it and i respect that, i just personally don't consider it in my immediate list of episodes to recommend.

Blood Crieth Unto Heaven? Really?
I would put any of the Tearjerker specials in front of that, personally

Worst. Shush. Ever!

What, no reference to how you totally missed the point last week Dan?

Spot on! Reading Caffrey's review, it kind of felt like he was not seeing the bigger picture, but you laid it out beautifully.

Im sorry sir, but you are mistaken.
South Park has correctly identified the greatest person who ever lived, Robert Smith of The Cure.
(Although I must disagree with Kyle about Disintegration being the best album ever.)

Im also one of the few who seem to like Ronaldo.
Much respect, Mr. Thurm.

B+? really?

This show is very underwhelming. Im hoping season 2 is better, but im not expecting it :l

Love me a good Futurama reference.

This war was so incredibly onesided it felt like a slaughter

Thank goodness they kept Milton T^T
then again, i cant picture why the CIA would want him

As someone with with more THC then anything else in their body, watching tv shows portraying people getting high is a crapshoot. Its either accurate and enjoyable, or you can immediatly tell both the writers and actors have never even seen a joint much less used one.

Really? no one is gonna point out that Starlord called Thor a neo maxi zoom dweebie?
….wait, didnt that movie come out after he got abducted?

Meanwhile, Rusty is working on mind control gas and OS Sparkledream :l