
How about all those events that transpired? They……..sure happened all right.

I perfectly understand Dipper's frustration, but when you look at it objectivly, why would someone destroy the world? There is no possible personal gain, and outside of a cliche comic book character, a "Doomsday weapon" simply has no logical use to anyone. As a threat maybe, but Stans machine was clearly primed. If

Dipper does need to accept that there are shades of grey when it comes to these matters and not make such hardset judgements. If he had been willing to listen, it wouldn't have been such a close call. I have to say though, it was kind of haunting to see Mabel not hit the button and float up. Like, shes putting her

Mabel made the right decesion in the end, and showed that you can believe in people against the odds and have it turn out well. If I was Dipper however, id just feel terrible. I was wrong about everything, i almost condemned my Grunkle and new Grunkle unknowingly and all of my investigation skills never led me to

You know, the whole premise of this episode seemed like a big "fuck you" to Dipper. Like, everything honestly points to the machine being a Doomsday weapon, the book even directly said (with included picture!) that the world will crack in half. But then it didnt so Dipper looks like the jerk, while Mabel was just all

Oh yeah, i forgot, Billy struck him down! Those were good times -w-

….No, Mortal Folly was at the end of Season 2, unless im not thinking of an appearence he made beforehand. Was he in the original short or something?

I dont know about you, but this show really got my attention when Ron Pearlman came in as the Lich at the end of season 2. Then it had overarching themes, diverse and strong supporting characters, and a deeper mystery that made me hungry for the lore of the show. Lately though, I feel like the show tries way to hard

Last episode made me afraid about where Malory is :l

Seriously, im afraid shes either dying or quitting.

Barry already DID the Warriors reference on the space station. Surely they couldve found something else to reference :l (normally i dont care, its just that the the same is character making the same joke. They could almost just have used the audio from the first time and just animated this, its so similar.)

I will also agree that my initial shot at Oliver was unwarrented. This grade just really surprises me, as I went into it expecting the blandest clip show ever, but ended up laughing harder then I have in a long time.

I will agree that the C for the Korra Asami bit is fair, and if he had judged each one seperatly, I would be fine with his analysis, as that was the slowest segment. However, labeling the whole episode a C just because of a bit of a slowdown between two very funny segemnts is really unfair. Also, I would say that

You know what? they were literally forced to do a clip show least they have to fire some of their staff, and they did it. But you know what? it was a fun, creative, interesting clip show, that actually showed how characters had progressed as people and grew. Side characters got ot be the voice of the audience on