
While I am proud of her for defending herself, I cannot believe the other crew members and managers just stood there and watched her get attacked 🤨!!!! I worked at McDonald’s as a teenager, and was a manager too, and there is no way my 18 year old ass would have stood for that shit, and calmly spoken to a customer tha…

Let’s be clear about something, because a few of your dizzy-ass trolls seem to have coveniently missed that he gave himself away at the end.

I just absolutely hate his brand of edgelord.

Technically, it’s lazy. It’s like when a public speaker says nice things about a local sports team. Literally anyone can do low hanging fruit and being interchangeable in Hollywood is career death.

Yeah, it’s not like he lost his child in a school shooting and was immediately accused of being a crisis actor; threatened and harassed by people who claim his child never existed.

My life is over.

Perhaps he applied some of this:

Ooooh, this is some bullshit. How can a white, American company possibly be allowed to trademark a Swahili phrase? How could that get through a court? I really don’t get it. Clearly, they created neither the language nor the phrase.

....There better be some Nuremberg type trials for this shit. These raggedy motherfuckers need to be put under the jail.

Wait, I thought this was the one thing everyone knew was lip-synched.  With the weather and logistics, singers basically have to lip-synch at this parade.  I mean, we can criticize how good or bad they were able to lip-synch, but I hope to god in the year of our Lord 2018 no one thinks that these singers sing live on…

However, he should be dragged to the ends of the earth for standing against legalization of weed while a member of congress and now profiting from it as a private citizen.

Ok, but it’s not enough to just say “We don’t want her.” Who DO you want? Have a couple of good candidates people can get behind. 

I think Pelosi should go, but I can see a challenge from both sides resulting in an even more conservative speaker, due to the insurgency of blue dogs.

They are terrorists who fund themselves by dealing drugs. 

I know. I’m still trying to parse that sentence so it doesn’t sound like she’s saying “Male-female rape is totes ignorable, but let’s protect the fragile menz from other menz!”

Also, more worried about Morehouse’ rep than the victims of...pretty much any rape is just...gross and reprehensible. 

I wish I could. Weed turns me into a scramble-brained paranoid wreck. Sativa, indica, doesn’t matter; a couple of puffs and it’s like I’m the target in a conspiracy thriller. When I start to believe my dogs are in on the plot, I know it’s time to go to bed and stare as the ceiling (which is probably studded with…

“I’ll never forgive him for what he did to our United States military.”

With words that are in coherent english and with subject and verb agreement and everything. How dare a black woman be able to read and write properly when Trump can’t.

That’s his authentic, cicra 1996 blaccent. Fun fact: 1996 was also the last time he was even close to relevant.

“Them shits are ashy. I didn’t wanna say it on live TV ’cause I’m a gentleman, but pan down to them shits. She can cut glass with them shits.”