
I proposed to my wife, but before I asked, I asked her if she would say yes if I did. She laughed and said she would. I circled back around a few weeks later and set up a super romantic date. She kept asking if I was going to propose and I denied it. Finally at the end, I propose. She laughed and said she already said

You know what. Tonight? Tonight, you get to spam the greys with retriever pics.

Who’s a good boy?! The Retrievers are good boys! Good boys!

Puerto Ricans acknowledge they have African roots, so you’re off there. The problem rests in the notion of mestizaje being promoted that teaches this lie that we’re all mixed and thus race isn’t important, which is just used to silence Afroboricuas who talk about our oppression. There are plenty of us who identify as

That America in addition to being racist as fuck is colorist as fuck, which we already knew. I never can understand why (dumb) people think that white people and institutions don’t engage in colorism.

I’m sure a lot of the good liberals who criticized me for making love with a dolphin loved this film because the hero was a featherless biped.

Captain Kirk was banging non-humans 50 years ago and no one got upset until he kissed a black woman.

I assume they’re doing it in between posting tentacle porn.

So...it’s the 70s and he’s fucking dolphins. Is this the most appropriate point ever to note that cocaine is a helluva drug?

I like the idea that a dolphin might read this book. I expect that said dolphin’s thoughts would be “what the hell kind of sick fuck has sex with a human?!”

He fucked the beast. He didn’t get a blowjob.

No, in the vag like God intended.

The dolphin was female so at least he ain’t no queer.

The primary is on June 5. The top two candidates, regardless of party, move on to the general election on Nov. 6, the news station reports.

I don’t think you’re wrong. I think that as long as they can tap as many different markets that they can, in the manner that generates the most return, they’ll do it.

I have to wonder how much of an impact the resounding success of the Fenty line has had on other cosmetic companies who have almost universally ignored the darker beauties of the world.

Oh, he definitely has. Definitely. A New York City Klan-son hot for housing discrimination and championing the execution of exonerated black and brown youths?