
I certainly wouldn’t want to be married into that family. But honestly I wouldn’t want to be married to Kanye either. I think it is almost certainly true that the family environment isn’t helping him. But I also think he is the biggest part of the problem. I’m not a psychiatrist so I don’t want to speculate about

Eight women accused Al Franken of being a groper. And Al Franken chose to resign. The vote against him in the Senate was symbolic and not legally binding. He could have chosen to stay and go through the ethics investigation process and he didn’t. We can’t know what was going on in his mind, but I believe that he

Karen Monahan first spoke out publicly about this last year, though she didn’t name Ellison at the time. I heard rumors about it months before the news picked it up. I’m not super tied in to Minnesota political circles so the fact that I heard about it means that the rumors were flying in Democratic circles outside

This is the second woman who has accused Ellison of this type of behavior. I don’t know what happened but I wouldn’t want to go out on a limb by making a definitive statement either way. Now, Monahan has not taken steps that would instigate a police investigation, such as filing a report with police and her constantly

Karen Monahan isn’t white. She is of Iranian descent. Now, her son might still harbor anti-black feelings so that fact doesn’t necessarily contradict your point.

I would not have voted for Ellison in the primary becuase I think he is a risk because we don’t know whether more information will come out or not. This is the second woman who has made this type of accusation against him. In the general...I don’t know what I would do. Monahan is not behaving in a way that makes her

I give Kim Kardashian very little credit for anything, but honestly I don’t think she is the problem here. I don’t know what is the problem, but I really believe it is something deep within Kanye, not Kim.

I give Kim Kardashian very little credit for anything, but honestly I don’t think she is the problem here. I don’t know what is the problem, but I really believe it is something deep within Kanye, not Kim.

Jeff Sessions, who is equally as deplorable as the president but still adheres to a modicum of moral decency”—I honestly think you are giving Sessions too much credit here. I think Sessions realizes that eventually the shit is going to hit the fan with this administration and he is trying to minimize his legal

Good article. Minor point: I think the downtown mural in question is a painting, not a statue. So they would be painting over the mayor, not tearing down his statue. Either way, we should support it.

Now I’m curious what your real name is.

Huh. I thought “boofing” was taking alcohol up your ass.

I agree with all of your points about the criminal justice system but I would point out that this wasn’t a trial where Kavanaugh would go to jail, it was a job interview. And thus it is fine to deny him a job because we think he is untrustworthy and probably tried to rape a girl in high school and is lying about it

I’m so sorry you had to live through this.

Mariah was my absolute favorite character in Luke Cage and that scene was pivotal for her so I forgive them for that. I agree that Cottonmouth was an awesome villain though. 

It could be a matter of lighting. Or they may have screwed up again.  We will see.

Finn Jones only ranks as “cute” at best and he does not have the physique of a martial artist.

Diamondback was the worst part of Luke Cage.

Next time you write an article about 45's dick, I would like to request a trigger warning.

I am much more liberal than Dianne Feinstein and have many criticisms of her votes over the years (to start with, she is absolutely terrible on civil liberties). However, keeping the confidentiality of a woman who asked to remain confidential was the right choice. This is not the issue to choose to criticise her over.