
This article litterally says they're playing on the PC version. 

So.. he's going to make PC games that are not PC.

seems like it’s not being received well, so there’s that I guess 


People gotta stop announncing this shit without pricing.

Anyone remember the OG dino park game, DinoPark Tycoon?

I see no mention of Tokyo Jungle and that makes me sad. 

It’s been established that they’ve been exploring this, they filled a patent before the Switch’s release for it’s use in AR/VR in addition to that mode discovered last year. How, or even if, it would be officially used was a lot of speculation, though.

They’ve been at some major conventions and working with publishers on this, Most of them are supportive about it with free/no cost licensing and working with them on the rules, as the easier you make it for someone to play your game, the more likely they’ll play it with friends, and then you get a chain reaction of

I tried for a few seconds, then my eyes told me to go fuck myself.

I wish that they had made this a Metroid-vania style game. Just straight connected side-scrolling. I would totally go for a modern Zelda game, like that now. It would totally work with Link’s skillset and weapon and item variety.

I feel like after Cards Against Humanity came out, a thousand people said “hell, I can do that” and here we are. Sooo edgy.

I feel like after Cards Against Humanity came out, a thousand people said “hell, I can do that” and here we are.

Resistance to Change Mode"

Same. I am poor, yet haven’t traded mario Odyssey toward red dead 2 cuz i hope it’ll be better next time i have the urge to try it. Got through the 3rd or 4th world & it’s just not fun to me. It would be so much better w/o the stupid hat (trying to junp on it in 3d world is frustrating). It’s beautiful, but no

Valve has a history of letting people play in its ponds for a bit, then adding the modders to its dev teams. 

This is the third time now I recall being shafted by Sonys muscling in of what devs put in their game. Omega Labyrinth hurt really hard because there is no other way to play that game in English and it was on it’s way to being released, such a monumental waste of time and energy and resources.

Man, Street fighter 3 has some mindblowing animation that IMO still looks better than 4 and 5's.

People are looking at the font and finding similarities to Garou: MotW.

Truly, one of the most interesting gaming communities ever. I’ll never play this game, but I will always listen to the stories.

Can you lighten up first? And if that seems like a ridiculous, overblownsuggestion, well, then there you go.”