
Nope, 4th Thurs of Nov here in the US. So yeah, tomorrow.

It should be illegal or something, to fire people, especially mass layoffs, right before a major holiday. Not really, but Jesus tap dancing Christ, that’s just evil. So now instead of spending a nice Thanksgiving with maybe a little uncertainty about what the future holds, they’re going to be in full panic mode and

I’m hoping his agenda is that he’s a gamer, and he’s had enough of the bs that AAA gaming is trying to pull lately and is in a position to actually try to do something about it.

This is also applicable to the baseball case to some degree. It can feel very lonely to be a fan of any sport but football, and maybe basketball in the US lol.

I believe so, it’s definitely on psn, xbl, and steam, all 3 of the Bluth games are.

I Love Dragons Lair, one of the first games I ever remember playing...... That being said, I never got close to beating it till it came out on psn lol, since then I’ve beat it and Space Ace several times, think I still need to beat Dragons Lair 2 though, that one makes the original feel like easy mode. Hmm, might have

My hot take;

I love this game so much, it is damn near perfect, I have played literally nothing else since it came out.

It won’t be, Microsoft helped fund it.

I was so disappointed when Full Metal Jousting only got the single season.

Well that depends on if the missiles are only useful against the aliens, if they have any other uses, then it’s a bad way to have gone about it.

Not really.... It was advertised as a boss rush from day 1, it never promised anything else. They added some platforming levels due to fan feedback but the devs made it clear they weren’t going to be a focus of the game.

Good game, but it always made me wish there had been a Mutant League Baseball game, was always super disappointed we only got hockey and football. And just like that I have to go hook up the genesis.

Yeah, that was my first thought before remembering there’s 5 fx chip games, and 4 fx 2 chip games, and out of the 9 only Star Fox and Yoshi’s Island are even remotely good these days lol.

Reread the article, he worked on starfox 2 and left while it was in qa (despite being technically canceled) its star fox 64 he didn’t work on, when he came back for Starfox Command he got a chance to play the final version of Starfox 2. I’ve got my hands on the snes mini rom and there are differences between the 2.

Not the final version, I haven’t had a chance to play much of it yet but there are noticeable differences. I’m sure someone will make a video that lists the differences soon, whether they’re significant enough to justify the hype remains to be seen.

Not a rip of the snes mini version, it’s an earlier leaked version, you can tell by the title screen.

Significant changes no, but the main dev has said he’s seen footage of the rom that’s been floating around for years and said it’s not the final version of the rom

Nah, that’s a beta of the game that leaked about 10 years ago, fans patched it up as best they could, but it’s definitely lacking the usual Nintendo polish. The version on SNES mini is the finished version.