Nobody should being booked for weed unless DUI.
Nobody should being booked for weed unless DUI.
Reaction videos for a damn trailer are kinda dumb, and so is throwing copyright strikes out like candy on Halloween.
I don’t know that I’ve ever forgotten a show existed after watching it as hard as this one. I read the headline and thought “what? they’re on season five.”
A series with 2 entries and 3 remasters
One one hand, free pizza rules and it’s Domino’s own damn fault for making a full-on freebie code in the first place.
On the other hand, free pizza does rule but ordering 77 free pizzas is overly greedy and just calling attention to it, ruining it for everyone.
On the other hand, I feel bad for those employees that got…
I thought the smooth criminal cover was decent. Writer puts a lot of it on the music video and the band’s (but commonplace at the time) mugging for the camera in it. It feels like saying “into the great wide open by tom petty is a bad song because i hate johnny depp and he starred in the video”
Pearl Jam’s “Last Kiss” is good and Alien Ant Farm’s “Smooth Criminal” was a lot of fun. Why are they here?
I’m convinced that the editors of the AV Club sincerely have zero taste based on AAF’s cover of Smooth Criminal being on this list.
I’m telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.
“Don’t light things on fire and throw them in the back of the truck”
I fucking hate “reaction videos,” and have since their inception. Doing this for a war video adds a whole new layer of pathetic narcissism for clicks and attention.
I can’t believe we’re still talking about this subject in the year 2023 lol. Seriously, just admit you were horny and wanted to design a sexy lady in a skimpy outfit, it doesn’t need to be that fuckin deep.
Yeah, her outfit was dunked on before the release, dunked on when Kojima said that we’d all be ashamed when we heard the backstory, and dunked on when we found out about the backstory. Her character design has been the NBA All-Star Weekend, nothing but being dunks.
Kojima definitely had a thing for sexualizing his female characters in early MGS titles, the only difference was that they were WRITTEN that way. It was a lot more subtle (thinking about Sniper Wolf specifically). He started to get weird with the design of the Beauty and Beast unit in MGS4.
I think it is more a matter of Kojima being a guy who made a few really good games but then stated to buy into his own hype. MGS 1-3 are all fantastic but after that his ego and his falling out with Konami started to hamper the games he made.
Considering the game was getting dragged regarding this specific thing nearly a decade ago (as mentioned, it was already being called out as creepy and weird before release, which triggered Kojima’s hyper-incel tweet responding to the criticism), I dispute their statement that the “landscape has changed since then”.
I was interested in MGS V before Quiet’s reveal. I had never played MGS before and was curious about it. And then the director, who I had never heard of before that, said that people should be and would be ashamed of themselves for questioning his genius about Quiet’s outift, and I immediately lost interest.