
They’re saying he didn’t charge for access to these *specific* mods, as in, he charged 5 euros a month for access to *all* his mods (that are out of early access, according to his Patreon), which included these. I’m totally in favor of this guy making mods and anyone who wants to pay for them having access, but the

His camera tool is useless without the games. He made a product for an existing product, one that can’t function without the existing product, so he’s making money of a product that relies on an existing product.

How did most people gloss over the fact that this dude kept the mod behind a paywall? 

Note the wording. He has made mods for other games that didn’t make money. Apparently the guy had *this* mod behind a patreon paywall another commenter was reporting.

... Notice how it says these specific mods, and that it doesn’t include the Crysis ones. In the post on Patreon it even mentions that they just asked him to take the paywall down.

Actually, the guy was making money. This wasn’t freely distributed, it was behind a paywall via the guy’s patreon, which is likely Crytek’s issue.

Good. This dude is making money off a mod (with his code or not) from a game / work that’s not owned by him & he has the nerve to complain? Ha. If it’s for the love of the game, make it free and you won’t have any lawsuits…

I mean, nothing gives you the right to attack someone online because of trivial matters. You can have a discussion about those topics without trying to hurt the other person as well.

I hate that the internet gives perceived anonymity so people don’t think to check themselves before they spew vitriol.

Twitch Partner here. I don’t believe the attacks on veterans they were referring to was the pushback to the us military channels, but rather bots targeting veteran small streamers with prompts to suicide or trying to induce ptsd attacks. While not on the same scale as the attacks on queer and poc streamers, it was

None of that power on screen came for free, none of it. 

Making $250 a week on a side hustle is considered a ‘second job’ in Japan?  Ooof.  

They’re being paid for their undivided attention while they’re working. As the article states, he was moonlighting, which means he was doing it when he wasn’t working. So because he’s paid to do a job for a certain amount of hours, he's not allowed to make money when he's not working?

I totally get not using their position to enrich them in the private sector.

The law was undoubtedly created for that purpose, and then as with most laws meant to place limits, only the “little people” have it applied to them while those the law was meant to target find other ways.

An investigation was launched due to an anonymous tip that “there may be a firefighter who might be moonlighting on YouTube

This law seems made for like politicians to keep them from becoming too much of a celebrity or profit off the fame they get as a public official. So it’s kinda dumb that it applies to this firefighter imo. 

40% of cops can name all 151 Gen-1 Pokemon. Don’t believe me?

I’m sorry but an incomplete or broken game does not justify any toxicity. Period. If you think it does, you need to grow up or take a break from a hobby which is clearly not actually bringing you happiness.

Games can easily be made fun without straight up adding racist memes into it. But hey if you find that stuff kind of fun then thanks for outing yourself.