
Have you considered adult diapers? Fewer bathroom breaks leads to more drinking.

That was one thing I loved about (US version) Super Mario 2. Peach and Toad were playable characters, each with their own strengths. There were things Peach could do that other characters couldn’t, and vice versa.

I’m not sure that’s fair. Gita writes from her own perspective in most of her articles, and maybe her perspective more closely matches yours than Cecilia’s, but Cecilia makes a point of getting multiple sides of the argument she’s participating in — e.g., interviewing both pro- and anti-fan service anime fans, looking

You’re clearly not pro-feminism broski, people like you always pop up here to say how this push for social change isn’t good enough.

you can actually unlock peach after you play the whole game—i really, really have no skin in this but i feel like for such a simple premise being able to just choose mario or peach at the start, rather than unlocking her, is a fine solution. idk how suellentrop feels but that works for me.

It’s odd, you can read a Science books page “many many times” but you probably still won’t get the message unless you focus and look at it without your anti-feminist lense

So, this just occurred to me while reading your article. Do you think it would help, if the game could be played either way? Is it enough to simply reverse the trope?

You haven’t really read Gawker’s media-driven feminism based articles, have you?

thanks for reading

James Franco’s 4th brother there looks like he is about to be touched inappropriately by an old homeless Russian man.

You would not be a good advice columnist.

Re EE: she didn’t post JOHN SMITH HAS CROHN’S DISEASE AND CAN’T GIVE ME DICK AND LIVES AT 123 FAKE STREET, it is an advice column and she asked for advice.

Hard as it may be to accept, this is absolutely true.

I’d bet she’s not interested and is just sparing his feelings. I’ve seen this situation more times than I can count

Regarding the girl with the orbiter, it’s not just the possibility she wants to avoid the awkward confrontation, there’s always the possibility she likes having an orbiter cause it’s a huge ego-stroke.

Side note, I didn’t know the federal government paid black lung benefits. Like wtf? Why are my tax dollars subsidizing an industry that’s literally killing its workers? Shouldn’t those payments be part of the cost of doing business? If you can’t pay for the workers you slowly kill off to have healthcare, then maybe

Seriously, Michelle is the classiest, most dignified, most beautiful, and quite probably the most intelligent (I dunno between her and Clinton) First Lady of my lifetime. The Trumps are the trashiest pieces of garbage the White House has ever seen.

Classy, beautiful and dignified are all code for white, white and white. The funny thing is Melania can’t be bothered with any of these people and would rather divorce Donald than move into the White House and have to do the duties of the First Lady. Can you imagine her in West Virginia shaking hands with these people

To be fair, she does give one hell of an inspiring speech ;)

Good. Actions have consequences.