yeah its definitely a gaming forum cliche to act like sfv is somehow a bad game. truth is its one of the best fighters in years. if theres a better fighting game since sfiv i couldn’t tell you what it was.
yeah its definitely a gaming forum cliche to act like sfv is somehow a bad game. truth is its one of the best fighters in years. if theres a better fighting game since sfiv i couldn’t tell you what it was.
To be blunt: That concept art is really selling me. Non-sexualized female armor is my kind of jam and then it’s just a great design.
But it might have brought out more of the black vote, and that might have made a difference.
Those people sincerely do not give a shit about someone using the words “n****r” or “c*nt” because they use those words themselves quite regularly.
I generally agree, but considering the way his poll numbers did tank after the pussy grabbing tape came out, it doesn’t seem impossible that this being released just a couple of days before the election might have swung the election given it was so close in those states. White Republican women may have stayed away…
I’ve heard of people being so wrapped into right-wing propaganda mechanisms that they never were informed of his bigotry by their local news crew in Bumblefuck Kansas. So I suppose with enough volume a few could’ve squeaked by and changed some votes. He only won the college by 85k.
Also, I 110% believe that Trump would call either Don Jr. or Eric “retard.” The little one, I hope not.
He’s not wrong. The people who are willing to look past Trump bragging about committing sexual assault because he promised them that The Steel Mill Will Reopen! weren’t going to be dissuaded by him saying “n****r”—in part because so many of them use the word themselves.
“I don’t think so…I think they would have liked him more, the people. For being politically incorrect.”
Oh shit, someone criticized a videogame I like on the internet!
Don’t be a dick.
So basically the Wii U is more dead then the Vita.
So you got to use the line “Thanks Obama” and have an actual point for doing so. Classy.
I remember 2 years ago, Obama came to visit the city I go to college in. I got held right at the end of my freeway offramp while the police closed down all the roads within a mile for the motorcade to enter the freeway. I was more than half an hour late to my lab class, but I got to use the line, “It was the…
Because only plebs have their merges signaled with ungloved hands.
I totally misread that as a Batman game with Damon Wayans...
because he knows cosplay people, good people, great cosplay, top cosplay websites
Nice haul and all but I’m going to have to win to Erin purely because of the card Snoop wrote.
With Bills money he should have bought her Nintendo not just a Nintendo.