

This kills me, White America loves it’s “HiStOrIcAl AcCuRaCy” but doesn’t give a shit that so many cowboys were PoC. I guarantee we’d hear an overwhelming racist fuckboy outcry if we actually got a movie where all the cowboys are Black/Mexican even though that was a reality in several places at several times

He was being sarcastic

lmao children

Cool, TIL


I need to get back in shape so I can cosplay lmao

Why are yall doing this to Tony Jaa?!?!

Nope. These losers do not matter and their “damage” is insignificant. They’re fragility and insecurity should not be coddled, paid attention to, or considered. They can continue to circlejerk each other if they want someone who matters to them to show compassion to them while others actually grow up and continue to not

Nope, sounds like the customers need to stop being insecure little bitches and get over being offended by nothing

My wife was too nervous to get our 1.5 year old in day care (and I was scared of the costs) and we stay too far from most family, so my wife has been a stay at home wife while I work 40 hours a week, no help. It was stressful to say the least. She watched her all day, I’d watch her as soon as I get home until I passed

A lot of commentary here is or course, bigotry disguised as woeful concern over our children

My daughter loves our remote so I took the batteries out and just surrendered it. I didn’t know it was so widespread lol

I laughed, but

Turning sex into an obligation or duty is a great way to guarantee it will be terrible for everyone involved

Closest thing I’ve appreciated was Outlaw Star

“lol 4chan fooled you libruls for the lulz, that’s just an okay sign!”

The worst part of dudes policing breastfeeding is these idiots love titties but a) seeing a woman breastfeed is a reminder that they aren’t sole devices for male pleasures, instead they are used to feed infants instead of being for us and b) loving titties, guys will enjoy seeing a bare boob and then pretend to have