
Fragile af!


Gun crazy, pussy ass, hypocritical conservatives pushing the blame from their millionaire buddies to a scapegoat boogie monster?

Great Debaters was a fantastic movie!

Reminds me a little of the fake DBAF shots going around eons ago during my youth:

Word! That song is dope

Not bad, but I think it’s one of the weakest cuts on there. cool video though!

As a black male, I don’t understand what’s so hard to get about this.

ikr “Rogue One actor” what fuckery is this! lol

My wife loves the Sims and this will probably make her a little happier. She was playing as an officer and noticed every single one of her police coworkers are white and every single one of the prisoners are Black. This was the same day we were watching baby singalongs on YouTube with our daughter and noticed every

“If you did enough cocaine, you’d fuck a radiator and send it flowers in the morning.”

They cover all types of stuff that happens in the nerd world, whether we (or hell, they) like it or not.

What your saying does not apply to managed machines in environments with multiple users where we disallow giving users rights to do things like install these updates because they might fuck shit up (e.g. the University I work at with Macs on the domain).

lol motherfucker I’m Black, chill.

I like seeing PoC included in these illustrations. I don’t think they’re primarily used for weird articles, can you provide those articles?

This is great!

The Nintendo Labo experiment reminded me of one from Google primarily meant for children. You could teach them coding to get a little cardboard umbrella to open (say, when it’s going to rain that day). I can’t find it though from a quick search. Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

The butthurt is amusing

“Why don’t you like what I like?!?!?!!”

lol my man, this was absolutely not thought up on the spot. It was amazing and Black Thought is one of the greatest but let’s not be ridiculous, all of those multis, not a single stumble, perfectly crafted wordplay, hell no Black Thought didn’t just flow perfectly out of nowhere.

This is fair, Okami felt a little directionless at times. I like it a hell of a lot better than God Hand though!