
Ahh, reminds me of Digimon World. Nothing like training around the clock for a SkullGreymon only for it to die an hour later and transport you back home, far away from the place you’re currently exploring

Then you’re like “fuck training the next one” and he literally turns into poop

“I’m a....boy...”

Hey! Watch it! I’m from North Carolina!

I wonder if a lot of the people complaining about this are the same ones who respond with “you don’t like what’s going on? Then YOU make a game” whenever someone says games aren’t diverse enough

I love Relay for Reddit

I feel so bad for Stormtroopers (as in the character, not a Sith-sympathizer)

FUCK YOU BLIZZARD! You stole our game to pander to the mainstream gamers and won’t even make your own vanilla and TBC progression servers. You ruined this genre and continue to shit on your original audience.

I used to play the shit out of DOA on the PS1 and DOA3 on the Xbox. Ninja Gaiden: Black is probably my favorite game ever (or top 5 if I thought about it). I used to argue with everyone about how Team Ninja made great games and wasn’t about enticing young males at all (the girls just happened to be foine, that’s all),

I think the life cycle is Black slang > Black twitter > all of social media > white people ruining it > “Has anyone heard of this new thing?” on the news > parents > “look at us doing the thing!” - tv shows and movies trying to stay relevant

I still will shower every day, but I do agree with only really getting the armpits, groin, and booty. I get dry really easy so I don’t need to use as much soap on my arms/face/legs/etc

My girl and I have fought about this from the beginning of time. I didn’t think I was cheap until my wife made me feel like Julius from Everybody Hates Chris.

Exactly! The whole idea of the cool masked super hero was very inclusive to people from all walks of life.

Exactly *high five*!

*game developer inserts character who isn’t white or straight into game*

But the escapism was the main draw. “What’s interesting about comics and race is that when I was a kid and I read comics—Jesus, this is going to sound crazy.... To the extent that somebody could be post-racial, that was me. I just didn’t care. There was some black people in the [Marvel] world but then after that I


Did this for Hawaiian Bread some months ago, got some coupons in the mail!

Harold & Kumar

When I throw my clip in the AK I slay from far away,
Everybody hit the D-E-C-K

Call 9-1-1 Biggie’s got a gun!

lmao these are perfect