
#FreeLowe. Despite the fact that Simmons brought a lot of talent that ESPN retained like Lowe, they still continue to bash him and try to label his time there as a failure. I still read old Grantland articles just to see what good writing in today’s world looks like.

One thing this article doesn’t reference is the status of Zach Lowe.

Harmlessly passing someone in a no passing zone isn’t being an “asshole” . Trying to murder two people is.

My vote is you decline the invite. Showing up is normalizing this man and an administration that has deliberately disrespected HBCU students and their families.

First, the only reason not to answer such a straight-forward question as “is Islam a religion?” is if the answer is “no”. Second, if Islam isn’t a religion, it’s pretty hard to imagine on what possible grounds the other two abrahamic religions could be. Third, to refuse to recognize a religion or to purposely conflate

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

You’ve seen them before. Maybe you dated one because you liked the way he called you “king” or “queen,” before he

This is spot-on. SPOT FUCKING ON.

as did you.

Isn’t “are you willing to relocate” one of the bare minimum requirements for the job?

Nothing wrong with pointing out an actual error.

Thanks. I’m not always sure.

I think you mean Obama’s two terms in office, not to be that guy tho.

I don’t like Tom Brady, you don’t like Tom Brady.

The Ferrari P4/5 is many things, but beautiful is not one of them.