55k in NYC? You'll be living with the homeless for that little pay.
55k in NYC? You'll be living with the homeless for that little pay.
That's how I played both Destiny games
The first thing to know is that some trees tend to rot more easily than others; specifically, softwood tree species like oak,
Pretty sure this is the worst idea ever.
Best advice I can give (and what got my my PS5), is to follow a couple of deal trackers on twitter (I like Wario64 and Matt Swider), watch Jake Randall’s YouTube videos so that you know how to actually get it from each store since there’s no consistency, and don’t get discouraged if it takes a while
As they should. If someone can turn into a garage, who knows what other transformations they are capable of.
Subway doesn’t process the tuna, though; it’s not like there’s a Subway factory somewhere that processes pork, beef, poultry, seafood, vegetables, etc...they contract processors that already work in a given industry, and even then that could change because their distrubitor (USFoods) might have to change suppliers…
Well this has been a day. Learned that it’s ok to throw “white-passing” around, and mock people by calling them short.
How is the term “white-passing” as used here anything less than a demeaning, unacceptable pejorative, akin to attacks of “not gay enough” (Pete Buttigieg’s numerous leftist haters come to mind)?
I am going to ask/say this in the spirit of trying to realize my ignorance and present my thoughts specifically so they can be criticized: What’s the big deal? Do lighter-skinned Lantix actors not count as real Latinx people in this context? Shutting out their experiences for being not-marginalized-enough doesn’t feel…
wait, but Rita’s is called “Rita’s Italian Ice”
Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.
It is possible to feel sympathy and amusement at the same time. It’s why people like videos of other people tripping or getting hit in the crotch. We’ve all been in similar situations, and we’re laughing at the universality of the human experience.
Is something you can’t buy actually “on sale”?
Given “Need for Speed” is a complete singular title it is correct to say “Need for Speeds”. You wouldn’t say M4s Sherman to talk about multiple tanks for example.
True Story: testing a product is not the job of the end user. We’ve largely accepted the role of unpaid labor; but at the end of the day, release quality is 100% on the developer. Furthermore, “you get what you pay for.” If they don’t want to pay an actually QA team, then you’re going to get “Free” quality feedback.
It’s a very old story; every time there’s a beta period for an update, only a fraction of players participate. (And then just complain when bugs make it to the live game.)
She is a treasure and there are no horny jail bars strong enough to hold Nakamura.
Today’s semi-wholesome content has brought a smile to my face.