Matt The Radar Technician

Grandpa Lefty always said, “Keep yer dick-skinners away from spinny shit.”

That was amazing.

It helps if you play this while you let your eyes rove between tweets, liars, and twits.

Which sucks, because it makes them taste all stringy...

The more time I spent with it, the more I realized it’s definitely a game that gets in its own way a lot. If Ubisoft was willing to tinker with it though, I think it could smooth over a lot of those missteps though, at least in terms of the gameplay.

Don’t forget the music, it’s a big part of what makes Silent Hill... well Silent Hill.

“...she’s the father.”

I think it took me at least 15 tries, and once I finally did it, I yelled FUCK YOU and went to bed.

...when the bombs do start dropping, there’s a chance you’ll die due to random happenstance, rather than competition. Given that PUBG has taken on a reputation as the hardcore, pseudo-realistic battle royale game (compared to Fortnite’s cotton candy funtime shenanigans, at least), some players would like to see red

It irritates me that those tires and wheels rolled up that ramp

Thank god for the subtitles. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have know what he was saying.

Marlins Man travelled all the way to the British Virgin Islands, and all he got was this crappy baseball team.

McCabe is Comey!

As long as they make a killer prairie oyster.

“Throatwobbler Mangrove”

She can’t possibly have violated a 2016 NDA during the filming of Knocked Up or the 40-Year-Old Virgin.

It’s obvious that invite wasn’t real. It isn’t using the Oxford comma for heaven’s sake.

You spelled cunt wrong.

Are these images for ANTS?!