Home is where people are the laziest and most disgusting version of themselves. I hope inspections are done a bit more regularly than actual restaurants...
Home is where people are the laziest and most disgusting version of themselves. I hope inspections are done a bit more regularly than actual restaurants...
For me, physical mostly. Digital rights concerns aside, I don’t mind the occasional digital purchase but it really depends on the game. If it is something I’m excited for and have been waiting for it, I’ll go with physical. If it is something that wasn’t really on my radar but I want to give it a shot, I won’t mind…
You really just write a post to try to justify griefing and convince others to do it as well? So this is what Kotaku is becoming... how pathetic.
“Hoping” Apple makes the option available to others and asking them to are not equivalent statements. They did however explicitly ask them to make it available to them. Semantics but still applies in my opinion.
If you use firefox, install the “Redirector” addon and make it redirect to the latest page automatically so you don’t even have to look at the homepage or manually add the URI portion whenever you navigate to kotaku.
Its the same day the war of 1812 took place on.
Curious take... a bit dramatic and poorly thought out but kudos on the spiciness i guess.
For those interested, firefox has a addon (Redirector) that you can use to redirect it to the latest tab whenever you navigate to Kotaku.
FFS, this new layout is absolutely atrocious. Who the hell thought this visual vomit was a good idea... CTRL+Z please.
We have, slowly but surely the stigma of mental illnesses are becoming less so as they are being talked about more frequently. However, there will always be those that project their own beliefs or feelings about any given subject.
I get what your saying but there is a world of difference between exposure therapy with a trained therapist over weeks, months, or even years of time and someone googling some pictures or reading a wiki on their own. If OP had said seek out therapy, i would have agreed but they didn’t. They implied that by learning…
That’s not how phobias work. One doesn’t just look at a few pictures or read a few facts and boom, no more phobia...
all built with a $20 PSU ready to spontaneously combust...
Lithium Ion batteries swelling after extended periods of time? Whaaaaat?
There is a bit of a delay required for stance switching but I think there is also a (minor) bug with input registration generally speaking. It wasn’t frequent but a not-so-uncommon occurrence for me was to try to block and it would get stuck or something half-way through the animation so the sword is up but it…
Your post didn’t really illustrate that point very well for me but agreed, it is a unlikely right now. Though, it may not happen frequently, it is still a legitimate concern worth addressing.
It’s not about the source code being lost though that does happen, look at Nintendo or Square Enix... what Alucard is referring to is loss of licenses or otherwise having the game rendered inaccessible. All it takes is a single expiration/refusal to renew a license for it to be pulled from all digital stores and keys…
Masks? Ugly truth? Nice red herring...