
It looks like a bad mod for Borderlands, like the original Borderlands from 2009.

I’m much more curious about the two dudes who appear to have flown with cases of Gatorade. Especially the one in the red shirt who does not react in any way to a man falling on his ass directly in front of him.

Who had “I’m perfect and have personally never had this problem so it must be the victims fault.” on their dumbshit comments bingo card?

I honestly had no idea this was already coming out, I thought this was still a year or two away somehow.

Calling it a “transformation” is a huge stretch, it’s never not on the wheels, it’s just doing a split.

Honestly I actually like it a little better, they took the voices from like an 11 to a 10.5 and it works.

Also, what is “pump switching” even supposed to mean here . “Aggressive Full Service Scam” or “Fake Full Service Scam”, make way more sense.

The title and image reveal exactly nothing about the episode that wasn’t obviously foreshadowed at the end of last weeks episode.

I was thinking more like a lizard dropping it's tail to distract predators.

They certainly seem aerodynamic.  No sure what the use case for flying hubcaps is though.

Yeah I tried out the Destiny sets and the builds were a little rough, the variance in clutch strength on Mega Blocks is wild.

The anime is one of my favorites and I thought Cowboy Beebop was great. I was really excited to see what they did with season 2, bummed me out so much when it go canceled.

Also most stores will display the 4 digit PLU code for produce with the price tags, or it will be on a sticker on your produce. Every self check out I’ve ever used has allowed you to enter this manually. Other departments like Bakery and Floral may also label some items with the 4 digit PLU code.  If the bar code on

Yeah I don’t remember anything particularly wrong with the opening scene and the dog was a good good boy throughout the movie.  If you didn’t like it that quickly you probably wont like the whole movie I guess.  That’s unfortunate because it’s great, second best Predator movie after the first.  But not everything is

Stancing, because everytime you wreck your front bumper pulling into a parking lot the cost keeps going up.

Yeah a couple of weeks seems like a lot.  I think my dealership had mine ready for me to take delivery in a few days.

I’d be curious to know if he had a signed PO. Generally if you’ve got the signed purchase order you're safe from things like this and surprise markups.

I’m glad I missed it, it honestly just looks like a pre written bit, doesn’t seem like it’s a real time reaction at all.

