
My body is ready.

Well at least we’ve already got our (noun)Gate name for when this turns into a conspiracy where they've been covering up negligence. 

I also see no reason for this to be as violent as it is, they seem so excited about it which is odd, but this guy is not the Punisher, he’s a big game hunter.

It’s not a good Beastmaster remake, doesn’t have the ferrets.

Whole plot of the show was built around a bootstrap paradox, so they were doing time travel shenanigans before it was cool. 

CT has never had inspection beyond emissions since I've been driving and I 've only ever seen one vehicle that was being driven while on fire so this is probably going to be fine. 

I’m not usually one to nitpick but how do you get the jump gate wrong? One of the defining visuals of the show and it’s just a yellow blob, and the ship doesn’t even fly in, just does a star/wars star trek hyperspace jump.

Yeah, but is it really a stretch to think a bunch of macho security bros wouldn't stand around to help a fellow bro get a little?

Real men know that sweet sparkly shit is for everyone.

If it was an apocalypse that cause the wind to stop I don't think anyone needs to worry about driving, or breathing, since the atmosphere is gone.

So the shitty brakes, suspension and un-sealable panel gaps are all on purpose then.

The Fallout 3 stuff was great.

This was the first big movie I can remember being excited for. And this was before online ticket sales, or assigned seating. We had to be at the theater an hour early so we could buy tickets, then wait in line to get into the theater for our showing.

That hacking scene is actually kinda legit.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fsn_(file_manager)

Yeah, he’s so good in the role I don’t even have any interest in watching this season knowing he's getting replaced by the least interesting Hemsworth. 

I honestly thought this had been canceled.

Every article about this is headlined “Disney wont release the AvP thing”. 

If it was actually done before production on Covenant and The Predator then it could have been released before the sale was even announced let alone finalized. It sounds like Fox decided not to release it, I wonder if it’s just bad.  Although that didn't stop them from releasing The Predator.

Only Being two nights is what killed my interest. Disney World is far enough away for me that it only makes sense to do the whole week and do all the parks. Having to change hotels is just a hastle.