Do I think it’s strange that some guy who believes liberals and the media are actually some giant child trafficking illuminati cult because someone occasionally drops a fan fic on an internet forum would also only eat organic food, for “reasons”.
Do I think it’s strange that some guy who believes liberals and the media are actually some giant child trafficking illuminati cult because someone occasionally drops a fan fic on an internet forum would also only eat organic food, for “reasons”.
Don’t forget
Ok *shrugs* *Goes back to work and watching Impeachment 2 Democracy Boogaloo*
I thought the same thing. Apparently LucasArts was at one point a thing that included Lucasfilm Games, Skywalker Sound, and Industrial Light and Magic, maybe other stuff? I know for a while all the games were using the LucasArts logo, I don’t even remember ever seeing a separate logo for Lucasfilm Games.
Oh, I get it.
Maybe they ran afoul of the sinister after market console skinning and vinyl dipping cabal?
Thank you
Destiny 2 - Titan with Lion Rampants, just fly for days.
Capitalism baby!
I wonder if it got deleted because those dudes were not supposed to be messing with the roof snow?
I don’t hate that they allow user supplied batteries. Before My elite 2 I just pulled from the rechargeable AA’s I use for everything else in the house.
Man Pog was the hottest shit ever for like five whole minutes in the 90s.
No law that says I can’t arm my cats.
I hate ketchup.
His dong is the only thing keeping those pants up. Treat your dong better.
I broke the IRS once.
I can image pairing spam with like a maple flavor, or maybe even a buttery sugar cinnamon thing, maybe? But ugh crisp chocolate cookie bits, those tastes and textures just don’t seem to pair well.
Inertia, what’s that?
I thought about buying this, because it’s been a loooooooong time since I played Mario 64 and never owned it on my own 64 and thought that would be fun.