
Gross when you go forward in the slideshow, videos on previous slides continue to play.

That console is bigger than he is.

Microsoft does this. Thew whole thing is gamified through the Rewards App and Game Pass app. You accumulate Microsoft Points for playimg certain games, and getting achievements. You cant turn points in for gift cards and similar stuff.

Look at this guy, with his pocket lighter.

I mean, I don’t take any joy that another person is sick with a potentially fatal disease.

This is dumb and bad.

$70,000... for haircare. That’s almost $200 a day over the course of a year.

Hey everyone, Stadia’s not doing great, and those two old timey non-streaming consoles pre-launched so hard they broke shopping on the Internet.

220$ looks to be within the range of what you’d pay for a similar PCIe 4.0 card on NewEgg, so this doesn’t seem to be very price gougey.

Yeah couldn’t get through Microsoft. Target kept showing up in my cart, bombing out at check out, and that repeated until they were out of stock. I managed to get one on Amazon pretty late, I assume I refreshed right after someone canceled an order.

By the time I got all the way through Gamestop’s All Access route they were sold out, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the from the same inventory.  Still I was impressed with Gamestop this time, the site was the most stable, had to refresh some of the forms but much better than Amazon or Target.  Amazon’s product

Amazon seemingly just went up after the page not loading at all.  Snagged one in about 10 seconds, no issues.

Amazon seemingly just went up after the page not loading at all.  Snagged one in about 10 seconds, no issues.

Went to GameStop waited in the queue, got all the way through the All Access App, confirmed order.  Out of Stock. Sigh.

Went to GameStop waited in the queue, got all the way through the All Access App, confirmed order.  Out of Stock.

I would imagine tacked on.

I would imagine tacked on.

I did not know he worked on Robot Jox.  Love that movie.

This is true, but you also can’t find out where to get a glazed donut chicken strip basket.

Can’t step on a Lego brick if your wearing Lego bricks.

I might be crazy but in that Gods & Monsters it really looks like all the characters have big ‘ol anime eyes, but all the statues have regular eyes.

This isn’t unusual. We regularly have customers participate in things like this.  Finds bugs, gives us direct feedback on the product.  We generally don’t give them anything for this.  Sometimes if the product managers have a hard time getting responses we might start throwing in incentives like a gift card.

I mean it’s not like only Lego is allowed to do licensed VW vehicles. It’s just funny that the colors are exactly the same.