
I’d like to see the artist do their own unique take on their characters and really go nuts. These seem to just be specific screen captures from the show drawn up with some general anime inspired elements added to the characters.

Only Sith deal in absolutes.

Warm Monster, check.

They are artificial nightmare food, but the cheddar cheese cracker ones are fucking delicious.

Where have I seen this guy before.

I imagine this is to prevent having to redownload the entire game if an update borks itself somehow. But I wonder how much time it really saves. Presumably you would have to sit through another copy job, and possibly have to download the update again anyway to kick off the whole thing.

Why do all the animal/creatures have giant Megamind heads?

I actually yelled at the TV when I thought he was destroyed at the beginning of the final chase sequence.

Yeah, I don’t even know why this article wasn’t titled “Garrus Vakarian is your favorite NPC in a game.

We totally have square cut pizza on the east coast. Greek style and party size pizzas are almost always square cut.

Had a work buddy who would travel internationally very regularly and he was very organized and had every planned down to the last detail, packed very carefully, brought all the things he would need blah blah blah.

I’m confused, the crusts are the best part. This is also the first time I’ve ever heard about the ends referred to as “the heels” instead of “the crusts”.

Seeing a few “Why even show sex, just fade to black...” comments. To me that kind of equates sex with some purely mechanical activity we all do but isn’t really important. like tying your shoes or taking a dump. Something not really important for the story other than to say it happened. Also sort of implies sex scenes

Circus Peanuts are life.

I had a coworker who, we’ll call ‘Mason’. Mason recieved a big jar of M+Ms for Christmas. He kept it on his desk and every day he would dump some out, enough to fill the lid and eat that.

Sleeves can also have slight manufacturing defects or markings like the ones shown in the images. It’s a pretty normal practice especially at high level play to inspect your sleeves before using them. Additionally you would shuffle both the deck and the sleeves before sleeving the cards to prevent any imperfections