
Faking is so rare and real rape victims are a dime a dozen. Rape culture is alive and well, 25% of college women will be assualted and yet, of the millions of women those claims apply to, this stupid journalist found the one needle in a haystack of apparenty plentiful rape victims?

Olivia must be blissfully unaware of Jezebels ‘s existence and its radical feminist attitudes toward believing all women and removing due process on college campuses.

Doesn’t apply to women. Don’t you know anything? Feminists tell us women don’t have free-will and therefore can’t make wrong choices. Just believe them. They mean well and that’s the important thing.

Fucking rape culture.

Precisely. Nobody ever stops to consider that if greedy people stopped throwing money at Nigerian princes they wouldn’t get scammed.

Hey look! A recipe. It’s like we’re a bunch of broads ‘sharing’ recipes on a daytime talk show.

Correct. His accomplice is.

So, do nothing about slavery??

I’m sorry the Holocaust happened. ARE YOU???

Yeah. She’s reeeeal brave for mentioning it anonomysly in a comment section twenty years after the fact.

People like you who are soft on racism and misogyny aren’t real liberals

Um, all men are ugly and rapists.

Congratulations, you basic bitch.

It’s called ‘she’s cashing in on her sexuality.’

Why would you assume women can only have a femine influence?

Another win for feminism.

Your mother sounds like a winner.

In your mouth? Just a little? Marsha?

He’s definitely a racist and a homophobe

Um, no.