
Baptism doesn't automatically make you a catholic. That happens with the sacrament of confirmation usually around the age of 14 and the individual most certainly has a choice in the matter.

@maximum_sarge: What does the government have to do with the Volt? The Volt project began well before the recession and the bankruptcy of old GM. Even with the various governments that are now part of the the new GM ownership they are not involved in the day to day management of the company. So how does the Volt

@DustyButt: 3G does great in Canada. Live in Toronto and I've never had a dropped call. Can pretty much say the same of every one I know that has a 3G or 3GS. Sucks to be on AT&T.

"...a handful of folks to a very special press conference ..."

I guess there was no invitation for Gizmodo for this press conference either?

Except that unlike Vista people are still buying the iPhone 4.

There's this guy who hangs out at a local pub and he knew that I was looking for a new phone so he sold me this new fangled phone and I gotta tell you it's got the best reception of any phone I ever had and I was so excited that I had to find out how this could be so I took it apart an took some photos so that other

@JakeMG: Uh... iPhone Devs can offer their apps for free as well. That's kinda the point of the whole iApps thing. You may have heard of it.

I don't think El Jobso gives two shits about the economics of game development. All he cares about is the economics of Apple and you're a developer that comes along for the ride then you make make some cash.

@b4ui8fastfood: The camaro is based on the the GM Zeta platform which is what the Monaro's are based on.

@Illundiel: I think so but I'm not one of those people that hated it. I thought it equally as good as the first predator movie.

@Cintax: Stole from Palm? Palm pda's were just watered down newtons using the same ARM processors that Apple helped develop. Palm was started by the same engineers that created the newton and left after Apple put the kaibosh on it. So, I think you got a little backwards.

@clank-o-tron: It may be the weight of the "crane" on the small area that it sat on. It weighs about the same as 5-6 average cars but has a footprint of just one car. It possible that it weakened the flat-top of the parking garage as it rolled around and after enough of the flat top weakened it cause a chain

I like Warehouse 13 but I found that the concept for the show was just a rip off of the Friday the 13th: TV Series.

@hopskipper: Potheads and gang members don't need education.