D.R. Darke

Say what you want about the current status of AV Club (and I’ve said plenty) but that top photo made me laugh even while I’m typing this. 

The most Batman-like Ben Affleck will ever get

Guess now we know who’s fucking Matt Damon.

Iron Woman versus the Jade Egg

The stock price is high at WB right now because Barbie made a mountain of cash, but the people who made that all possible are on strike now, the summer movie season officially ends on Monday, and WB doesn’t have much else in the pipeline, as proven by the fact that they’re delaying theatrical releases of completed

It was a fantastic documentary, excellent journalism and I’m definitely gonna get the book to learn the full story. Yeah with Fastow set up as the fall guy and Skilling never caught on tape explicitly telling Fastow to set up shell companies to hide debt, it would have been reasonable to think Skilling would get away

Who the fuck is actually asking for a Pepper Potts movie?

Zaslav is as dumb as the programming he’s built a career on. 

Iger is doing PR, badly, but clearly actually knows what’s happening even if he is angry that his spin isn’t the winning one (I’d say because it’s not true but ha ha ha) but Zaslav really appears to have the brains of a fucking mop. He is apparently going to start putting CNN news alerts that are basically ads in the

Every time someone makes a joke about a degree in Women’s Studies or whatever, remember that Business degrees are apparently so worthless that even the top 0.1% of CEOs like Iger and Zaslav can’t figure out shit more complicated than ‘me make lots of money’.

Last night we watched “Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room”. The most infuriating parts were ex-CEO Jeff Skilling claiming he couldn’t possibly have known that his company would go bankrupt within a year of his departure, and that he can’t be held responsible for the actions of a lone CFO who committed wire fraud -

A small high-point for me was Raylan’s “Are you in the book, too, or are you just an asshole?” and then conversation after that in the parking garage. I thought that worked well (especially after setting up that he definitely was an asshole).

lacked the repartee that Olyphant has often had with colleagues and antagonists alike during the original series

This season was... fine? I mostly felt like it lacked the repartee that Olyphant has often had with colleagues and antagonists alike during the original series.

It would have made more sense to sue the studio for tricking us into thinking that Paul and Ringo were going to show up on James Corden’s late show and accuse Jack of stealing their songs, when that turned out to be a dream sequence. Also for including James Corden in the movie at all.

I don’t know. What do you think?

This was 10 years ago; I’m not sure if a class today would even be able to follow that sentence, lol. It will be interesting to see if Butler can out-Harkonnen Sting because that was impressive, if horrifying. I hear that Sting would be willing to do a cameo and I do wish that he would.

Tell them that he played the same role that the guy who played Elvis is going to play in “Dune 2" when it wss made by the guy who made “Mulholland Drive.” I’m sure that will clear everything right up.

Misdirections in a superhero trailer are one thing. Excluding an actor who was in the trailer is another. I certainly wouldn’t have even thought of suing. But people should speak up.

I feel like that might just be the Pending button being all janked up, but it is kinda nice to not have to read about “cancel culture” or “the woke left” or all the other varieties of insane screed that occasionally accidentally get promoted.