D.R. Darke

Mainly because I HAVE known the “You have to like this, it’s important cinema” guy, and having heard that this was a sci fi variant figured I would check the reviews. Some directors are capable of delivering a movie that is different enough in cast or subject or what have you that it breaks the mold and becomes

Which to be fair for a lot of people is more manufactured ire than actual injury.

I think it’s because the general conversation isn’t “If you enjoy what Wes Anderson does, here’s another great example” - it’s “This is great cinema, and you MUST see it”.

I think the point is that he used to make movies that were about more than the aesthetics, and not all that long ago. Grand Budapest was a great combination of performance, humor, plot and style (though I know some felt it leaned too heavily into the latter). Dispatch meanwhile left me cold.  It was all quirk and set

I’m a pretty big fan of his films, but I get why his stylistic/narrative flourishes can be off-putting or exhausting to some. Every new Wes Anderson film manages to be the most Wes Anderson film than his previous ones. You just have to be on his wavelength or it’s not gonna do it for you.

beautiful but rather empty endeavor”

Huh, I have a hard time imagining Hanks in the role, as Harry is so neurotic and prickly and quippy and [additional qualifier dancing around just describing the character as “Jewish New Yorker”]. Per wikipedia, it looks like Crystal had a lot of influence over the character in the final script though. To be honest, I

I cannot sanction this tomfoolery. 

Nobody ever brags about having seen a shorter cut.

Why, Mister Hilter’s standing as the National Bocialist candidate in the North Minehead by-election. He’s got wonderful plans for Minehead.

Hopefully he comes back to projects 5-10 years from now for a last hurrah Anthony Hopkins-style run.

Hey now, Sam has to pound it out fast to beat the herbyAI movement. 

I suspect he will be able to get customs to play along.

Are you hinting at a better alternative? Possibly in South America?

Un homme entend frapper à la porte et est abattu. Tu penses ça de moi? Non! Je suis celui qui frappe!

Agreed. And calling what THEY do art is a huge stretch. Harassment maybe.

Anyone can request security video. Seems a bunch of entertainment attorneys would have more to do than weigh in on something that happened 3,000 miles away and doesn’t involve them.

The paparazzi are not going to rest until Harry and Megan die in a car crash like Harry’s mum, and then everyone’s going to go, “Oh well, terrible wasn’t it” 

I don’t think anyone needs to be reminded about what happened to Di, nor about the major differences between what happened then and this instance. 

For Harry and Meghan, the case underscores the bald absurdity of not just their demand, but their attempts to rewrite the well-established quid pro quo between paparazzi and stars: we give you attention you want, and you let us pay our rent with the fruits of that labor. It also raised uncomfortable questions about